SuiteCRM 8 - Q & A

My CRM is not open below is the errror occures on console.

i have installed the
mysql 5.7

Can we expect improvements in version 8 related to document - file management as currently having files in a single folder is not practical solution. Also, will it be possible to influence configuration of folder (s)?

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Since this topic is more for general SuiteCRM 8 questions, I’ve created a page just for SuiteCRM 8 Beta install questions and issues.

Any new questions please add them there.

I’ll reply to the existing ones in there also and link them back here.

Hi @bhavin0070,

Thank you for reporting this issue.

Some other users had a similar issues. I’ve added a the following post with the possible root cause and the needed apache configurations.

If you still have problems, please added them on that thread.

Thank you

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Hi @steveS,

Thank you for reporting this issue.

I’ve added the following post with a likely root cause and possible solution.

If you still have issues, please reply on that thread.

Hello everyone, I install suite8 according to the instructions
step 11 I get the following error.

But I already did it.

Hi @palach,

I’ve replied to this question on your other post on

Hi @clemente.raposo, I’m about deploy SuiteCRM on a small business, with <100 accounts.

I’m wondering if I can deploy SuiteCRM 8 Beta 2 to avoid a migration pretty soon.

What is your advice?

Hi @iocampox

I would advise against this, Beta is not a complete version of SuiteCRM

We just installed the newly release Beta and this is looking great!

Few points from a user front I noticedL

1 - Customising sub panel order


even when unticked, admin user cannot change the layout of the subpanels? or the boxes

The default order puts Activties, Contacts, History

2 - List view edit pencil

There was a black pencil that took user into edit view from list view
Are there plans to bring this back or something that is one click edit view from list?


3 - more information / quick view

I cannot locate the i for list view

It has been replaced with much better options to quick create Activities, however is it possible to include the i within these too?

It is a great way for users to get more info without having to click into the record


4 - Different view for dropdown

When creating an Account

Dropdowns looks like

When creating a other module / custom module dropdown looks like

Will all dropdowns behave the same in the release?

5 -

Notes ‘Dynamic Enum Fields’

Is there anymore information about this? How they work in SuiteCRM 8.0?

6 - Mobile view

Using iPhone /chrome - I could not navigate the menu to get to a list view

7 - Insights - user preference
When landing on a detail view of a record that has ‘insights’ it is default on

User has the option to turn this off by clicking the ‘insights’ button


But when returning to the record type the insights to tuned back on again, is it possible for this to be stored if the user wants to see this or not for that record type

Hi @iocampox,

Welcome to the community! Thanks for trying out SuiteCRM 8.

Like @TaufiqueAhmed, mentioned, there will be significant chances to SuiteCRM 8 before the 8.0.0 release. And at the moment no upgrade path will be made available from the current beta (beta 2). (Meaning, that when the new version is out you would need to fully re-install).

So I cannot advise using it for production yet. But I think you could start trying it out.

@TaufiqueAhmed thank you for the input on this question.

Hi there, are there any updates on when the full version of Suite8 will be released?

‘July 2021’

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Any news on the Release Candidate for SuiteCRM8? According to the roadmap, it was to be delivered in June.

Thanks for the question on the release everyone, we will be updating the release plan very soon. But clearly its not yet been released and we will likely we will see another Beta release and a least 1 Release Candidate over the net few months as we narrow in on the the final release,


I have question about particular functionality - document/file management in SuiteCRM. In the current version all files are stored in a single folder. Will there be any improvements in v8 regarding this functionality?


Hello :slight_smile:

Couple of questions

SuiteCRM 8 3rd most recent beta release

  1. Activities & History = favicon / record image

Inside an account , opened activities and history sub panels but there is no image / icon to tell which reocrd type there is maing it confusing to tell, are these meetings, Tasks or calls?

Can these be added?

  1. Edit view / Inline Editing

From what I can see modules with upgraded layout
Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Tasks

eg - inside an Account record

Using the Type field as the example I click the pencil and this opens up Every field to be editable

The user must click Save at the top of the screen

However in any other module and any custom module

In this example Meetings inline editing

Using the subject field as the example field I click on the pencil

This opens up Inline editing, like in previous SuiteCRM versions with the tick box for the 1 field

Can you please confirm the plan for these 2 edit screen / processes?

  • Will every module inline editing / editing behave in the same way?
  • Will custom modules have the same way?

3 - SAVE button only at the top?
A small thing but something I know users will notice

SAVE button is only available at the top of the record?

Some clients have fields and panels making it a long record

For example creating a Quote

Add all details
Add groups and line items (10-15 lines)

Then user has to scroll up (3-4 times) to reach the top of the page to click save

Can the Save button be returned to the bottom of the record too?

4- recently reviewed records seems to have gone? why?

5 - History Timeline fails every time // ERROR MESSAGE makes menu fail

Been into multiple records with Activities & Histroy but get this error message every time

Also please note when this error message displays the main menu fails
Try hover over a module name or action and it disapears because the error message takes over

Thanks again

Is there a way to set certain related Modules to always be open? For example, I would like for on Accounts to always have the History and Activites subpanels expanded without having to click to open them…

Hi @RMN,

Thanks for the feedback.

Unfortunately, that isn’t supported yet.

We’ve been gathering this kind of feedback on SuiteCRM 8 Beta 3 Feedback - SuiteCRM, if you would be ok with raising it there, that would be great as it helps us with setting priorities.


Hi there!
Is there any news if Kanban will be part of the main release? If so will Kanban be available on the Quote module as well? I haven’t seen it in the beta releases as yet?
That is probably the main thing I looked forward to…