We just installed the newly release Beta and this is looking great!
Few points from a user front I noticedL
1 - Customising sub panel order
even when unticked, admin user cannot change the layout of the subpanels? or the boxes
The default order puts Activties, Contacts, History
2 - List view edit pencil
There was a black pencil that took user into edit view from list view
Are there plans to bring this back or something that is one click edit view from list?
3 - more information / quick view
I cannot locate the i for list view
It has been replaced with much better options to quick create Activities, however is it possible to include the i within these too?
It is a great way for users to get more info without having to click into the record
4 - Different view for dropdown
When creating an Account
Dropdowns looks like
When creating a other module / custom module dropdown looks like
Will all dropdowns behave the same in the release?
5 - https://suitecrm.com/suitecrm-8-beta-2-released/
Notes ‘Dynamic Enum Fields’
Is there anymore information about this? How they work in SuiteCRM 8.0?
6 - Mobile view
Using iPhone /chrome - I could not navigate the menu to get to a list view
7 - Insights - user preference
When landing on a detail view of a record that has ‘insights’ it is default on
User has the option to turn this off by clicking the ‘insights’ button
But when returning to the record type the insights to tuned back on again, is it possible for this to be stored if the user wants to see this or not for that record type