Suitecrm7.14.0 server not starting after i have change the ip address

Hello All !
Iā€™m new on Suitecrm after installing all working well .
I change the IP fort the network card and now the server refuse to start when i click on start .
In asterisk cli , the suitecrm manager is not connected . Can somebody please help me ??

Could you please explain more? What all steps you took? Attached screenshots if possible. Thanks!

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Thks for your quick reply !
to make it short ; Ip need to change to
on the network card this will be the new static IP ; in config.php il have replace in site url and Host .
thatā€™s exactly what ii have done . But the server is not starting

ā€˜the server is not startingā€™ - Do you mean your apache2/nginx server is not running?

You may have to change IP address in server conf file too.

No the appache 2 is running well but the service ( asterisk server )
if you login as admin then go to ( admin- scroldown and choose configuration)
In the image when i click on start the client steel offline

Sorry, I donā€™t have any idea about Asterisk Server.

You could check browser console or maybe sugarcrm log file to check error messages.

The Log say fail to connect . nothing else .
You may have to change IP address in server conf file too ( do you mean in config.php?) if your answer is yes then i have already change .
Sorry, I donā€™t have any idea about Asterisk Server. Iā€™m in Suitecrm and the file is asterisk integration . that make asterisk to communicate with Suitecrm.

At this point, I could only think about an issue with port. See ports are open and listening on your ubuntu machine.

Check support tab on page:


Admin guide:


Many thks for your help .
finaly i found the issue . to change the IP you nee to edit and change it in the files listed here
1-config.php ;2- configuration.json and 3-status.json

Yey! I am happy that it is working for you now.

To change the IP address, we need to edit below listed files:

  1. config.php
  2. configuration.json
  3. status.json

What are the paths to those files?

Two of them, I never heard about themā€¦

Even I know just about config.php which could be found at root folder of Suitecrm.

@ricsson, could you please provide path of files and lines that you edited.

this are the path those files .



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