How to change suitcrm from one ip to another ip


I have installed suiteCRM in one server called “” and “” and database name is “suiteCRM”.it is working fine and i have done so many changes in that folder(suitCRM) .now I need to move this “suitCRM” to “” how can i do this one .

to do this which pages I need to change .
If it is possible kindly help on it .


when moving, make sure that:

  • config.php:
    • contains valid mysql-credentials (the mysql user might need updated permissions too)
    • site_url and host are updated to the new IP
  • server/file system:

And you should dump your database to the new mysql server in case you have to switch that too.

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HI ,
I have installed same varision on “” with same user name password of admin and I have replaced db of “” suiteCRM then I have chanaged "Modules and themes " folder ,My chenges has refliected on “” .
