SuiteCRM 8 Beta - Install Questions

i have been facing a issue during installation of suitecrm8 beta
can you help me,How to install suitrecrm8?

Is there a single, coherent set of install instructions anywhere? The “handy installation” instructions tell us how to set permissions, but that’s about it…

Specifically some things that would be nice to have:
Required PHP/Apache modules?
Where to point the virtualhost file?

I’ve tried to install this several times and get a 503 error each time (though the installation completes).

Hi all,

Any questions or issues please let us know specifics, if your unsure, screenshots are the next best thing!

For installing from the package obtainable on the SuiteCRM downloads page -
Use this installation guide;

Else if you take the package from the release notes, or clone/download via github -
Use the developer installation guide;

In regards to requirements please ensure you take a look at both the 7 and 8 requirements as you need both;
Suite7 -
Suite8 -

In regards to VHost, it is explained at the bottom the standard installation guide;

Set your web server DocumentRoot to /{root}/{suitecrm-8}/public. This is normally found in /etc/apache2/sites-available/applications.conf

It is highly recommended that you update the webroot or configure vhost to point to the public directory, as the other files and folder should not be available to the web.

You can access the instance at the

However please note if you do not update the Vhost you can still test the CRM by navigating to the public folder manually, I.e
This will cause your instance to load as normal however it’s not the correct setup for production environments.

Hi @sikander568 @RMN,

Could you let me know some specific info? What stage are you getting issues at, what issues are you getting, screenshots appreciated :+1:


I first installed LAMP stack on a Ubuntu 20.04 VPS. I installed the same PHP components I would on a SuiteCRM 7 install.

I enabled mod_rewrite and followed the permissions-granting steps in the “handy installation instructions.”

I ran the installer, and I get the “install complete” message. I can see the newly created files in the directory, but I get a 503 message.

I know the webserver at least “works” since if I stick a “Hello World” index.html file in there, I can see it.

Could you possibly post an example of: 1) basic PHP configuration required and 2) what the virtualhost file needs to look like?

I am not a developer, but willing to test suite 8 in a separate sub-directory
Installation instructions do not allow the usual install via browser e.g
Please let me know when this tool is ready.
We are using version 7 and want to migrate to version 8 as soon as it works.

We are trying to install SuiteCRM8 under IIS. After the install, we do not have a path in IIS that matches */api/graphql so the rewrite rule is failing. What are we missing ?

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I have installed Suite CRM 8 from zip file, and getting 500 error for GraphQL

. Could you tell how to find exact error, logs ?

Configuration changes required to connect Suite CRM 8 to MSSQL

  1. Change DATABASE_URL in suitecrmrootfolder/.env.local file. ( .env.local file need to be at this path)
  2. Add below entries to the suitecrmrootfolder\public\legacy\config_override.php
    • $sugar_config[‘dbconfig’][‘db_host_name’] = DBSERVERBANE;
    • $sugar_config[‘dbconfig’][‘db_user_name’] = DBUSERNAME;
    • $sugar_config[‘dbconfig’][‘db_password’] = password;
    • $sugar_config[‘dbconfig’][‘db_name’] = dbname;
    • $sugar_config[‘dbconfig’][‘db_type’] = ‘mssql’;
    • $sugar_config[‘dbconfig’][‘db_port’] = ‘1433’;
    • $sugar_config[‘dbconfig’][‘db_manager’] = ‘SqlsrvManager’;

For IIS the equivalent of mod_rewrite is URLRewrite, which must be installed for the attached web.config files to work:

  1. Save web-public.config as web.config in the public folder

  2. Save web-legacy.config as web.config in the legacy folder

  3. Restart the site. (1.0 KB)


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Check if your suitecrm.log file is being created and/or updated. If not then HTTP Error 500 could be an IIS Permissions issue.

Settings (which maybe could be made less permissive, but work):
All of these are set for the (say) c:\inetpub\wwwroot\suitecrm8 folder:

  1. IIS AppPool\<your app pool name the site uses> should have full control
  2. Give IUSR user full control
  3. Give IIS_IUSRS full control.
  4. Restart site.


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After installing SuiteCRM8, how to check if it is running new Angular UI and not legacy UI?

Hi @milanraval,

Short intro - classic view
The base of the app is angular. then there is a view called classic view. Which shows a legacy view within angular.

This classic view is enabled for some routes. The angular router configuration will decide if to display the regular view or classic view. Depending on configuration.

Classic view route configuration

As mentioned this is configuration driven. Check the configs in config/services/module/module_routing.yaml, the entries that are set to false, will use the classic view (legacy).

Also, any view that is not implemented yet on angular side will default to this classic view.

From an UI perspective you’ll notice some slight differences on the styling/features ( button position, etc)

Hope this helps

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How do I reset my admin user password? I entered it at install, but when I try to login it says the credentials are incorrect.

I’ve tried :

UPDATE users SET user_hash = '$2y$10$ua6PicOvqyYMKgOR6gzFcub.Z5s40j6moWRH4oaO.Ef667lz.nb0m' WHERE user_name = 'my_admin_user';

to try to make it Password123,


UPDATE users SET user_hash = MD5('my_password') WHERE user_name = 'my_admin_user';

I just installed beta2 and got a successful installation. I configured Apache for mod_rewrite, I have all the compatible versions. When I attempt to access the vhost dir I get: “Oops an error occurred” and "The server returned a “500 Internal Server Error” and “Something is broken please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred”

Nothing of help in the apache error log, also checked prod.log and this was in there:
php.CRITICAL: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant ‘XML_PI_NODE’ {“exception”:"[object] (Error(code: 0): Undefined constant ‘XML_PI_NODE’ at /var/www/suite8/cache/prod/ContainerV0Fx7x4/App_KernelProdContainer.php:579)"} []

Don’t know if that is related. Not sure where else to look.

It looks like I needed some PHP modules installed - now I’m getting a blank screen… could someone please detail ALL pre-requisite requirements to install?

Current install instructions for 8 beta are very vague. It would help to know that you have to install a slew of php modules before the app will work. Now I’m at a blank screen and get no errors in any log files that I can see - nothing in the apache error log file and nothing new in the suitecrm.log file.


Hi @rwebb616,

Thanks for trying out Suite 8 Beta.

Regarding the blank screen, could you check the network tab on your browser please? Is there any failing graphql calls.


I’m getting only one of these. Let me know if you need to see more of the message.

Ok I found the fix for the graphql error - no longer getting the 404 - set up the rewrites properly… but still have a blank white page.

Hi @rwebb616,

nice, making some progress.

Are there any other errors on the network tab? if there is a blank page, one of the request should be failing.