SuiteCRM 8.6 build issue

Hi Team,
I am encountering an issue during the build creation process, where the process is abruptly terminated. Could you please provide some insight into the possible reasons for this occurrence? Is this problem related to the RAM size on my server? The server currently has 2GB of RAM.

suitecrm@8.6.0 ng

ng build shell

Option “deployUrl” is deprecated: Use “baseHref” option, “APP_BASE_HREF” DI token or a combination of both instead. For more information, see Angular

⠋ Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)… Components styles sourcemaps are not generated when styles optimization is enabled.

⠧ Generating browser application bundles (phase: sealing)…Killed

Hey @mamta,

Welcome to the community :wave:.

Before going into your specific issue.

Do you want to do custom frontend (angular)? If not, you probably don’t need the build process. you can just use the standard package.

Yes I want to do custom frontend.

Thank you @mamta,

Please have a look at this thread, I think it might help:

I would advise you to start by using the dev package, it will simplify the process (more on that on the link above).

Also you should run the build commands on a local development environment, like your development machine. For angular builds a total of 2GB for the whole machine might be low… specially if you are using other apps like the IDE, etc

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