Getting Started with SuiteCRM 8 Development

Hey @pstevens,

The above was a good reference from @chris001 and @pgr

The following sections from the docs might help to understand what the dev package is:

Where to get it | source: Developer guide getting started

1.1 (recommended) Setting up using the development package

  1. Download the dev package from github, e.g.: , see the dev package in the Latest GitHub Release
  2. Install SuiteCRM using the Downloading & Installing guide from the admin section
  3. Setup the frontend extension using the Getting started with frontend extension development

What it is | source: Getting started with frontend extension development

1.1 Development package

This package is meant to help in the development of frontend extensions.

The only difference between the base package and the dev package, is that the dev package includes the dist folder.

Including the dist folder should remove the need to rebuild the core frontend code.

Please have a look at the Developer Install Guide you want to rebuild the full core frontend.

My understanding

  1. With the dev you do not need to run the following (as it already includes the code generated by the following commands):

    • yarn build:common
    • yarn build:core
    • yarn build:shell
  2. Therefore, from a front-end (angular) perspective, with the dev package the only thing you need to run is:

    • yarn install (just need to run once, to fetch dependencies)
    • yarn run build-dev:defaultExt or (yarn run build:defaultExt for prod build mode)

So after doing a change you just need to run. Assuming you are adding your changes to the defaultExt folder:

  • yarn run build-dev:defaultExt

OR you can add a watch, which will automatically rebuild on file changes:

  • yarn run build-dev:defaultExt --watch