Email templates only plain text?

So I sort of surprised that there is not an option to use HMTL code to create the email templates. Is this really no way to use anything other than plain text? :scream:

Without the option to use HTML the whole email template function seems pretty useless in my opinion.

I hope someone here can enlighten me on this subject and if there is anything you can do about it. :smirk:

Thanks in advance.

Anyone here that could help please? :angel:

Thanks again.


Something broke in your SuiteCRM. Look at the picture.

Hmm that is weird @p.konetskiy .
It doesnā€™t look like anything like that on my installation. Any idea what might be causing this?

Kind regards

Which version are you running? The version before the last had a bug that prevented TinyMCE from loading.

Maybe you have file editviewdefs.php in custom directory.

I am testing it in versions 7.10.22 and 7.11.18

We currently using:
Yes I saw that TinyMCE now seem to work which is great. :+1:

Well I havenā€™t tampered with any files in the custom directory. So i havenā€™t touched the file editviewdefs.php at all.

The only thing i really modified is the modules/Emails/include/ComposeView/EmailsComposeView.js per your recommendation in this thread: No hyperlink button to create links in WYSIWYG Editor? | [emails]

Kind regards

If youā€™ve made changes to code, itā€™s important to keep an eye on php_errors.log and the browsers developer console (Javascript errors).

I havenā€™t made any vital changes at all. Only the EmailsComposeView.js where I added p.konetskiyā€™s suggestion:

  $.fn.EmailsComposeView.defaults = {
    "tinyMceOptions": {
      skin_url: "themes/default/css",
      skin: "",
/* add plugins */
//      plugins: "fullscreen",
      plugins: "fullscreen,link, paste",
/*  */
      menubar: false,
/* add button to toolbar */
/*      toolbar: ['fontselect | fontsizeselect | bold italic underline | styleselect'], */
      toolbar: ['fontselect | fontsizeselect | bold italic underline | styleselect | bullist | numlist | link | unlink | undo | redo | copy | paste'],
/*  */
      formats: {
        bold: {inline: 'b'},
        italic: {inline: 'i'},
        underline: {inline: 'u'}

to the file. Thatā€™s it. Nothing else.

I have tried checking with the Browser dev tool inspector while being on ā€œcreate templateā€ page and I cannot see in errors in the console really except for this one.

Kind regards

All it takes is a wrong delimiter and the screen breaksā€¦

Itā€™s probably breaking when getting built into the server smarty cache. Or when the javascript groupings are taking place. So the error, if there is one, will only appear initiallyā€¦

Maybe try a few Repairs from Admin / Repairs, and see

  • if they fix the problem
  • if they donā€™t, then check if they provide some clues in the logs

Ok thanks Iā€™ll try that then to start with.

Kind regards

Not sure if I understand the issue here, perhaps just a slightly confusing interface?

What you see IS an HTML editor (you can put HTML code there - just try it :wink: ), and if you press ā€œEdit plain textā€ then you can also customize the text-only version of your email template (which is normally always sent together with the HTML version of the email).

I think your template editor looks like this because you have selected "Direct HTML" as an option for Email Client. Check your User settings (> Edit > scroll down to Email Settings). However I think it defaults to Mozaik, so maybe Iā€™m off here.

I personally use the Direct HTML option because I sometimes want to fine-tune my emails, so my Email Template editor looks exactly the same :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!


Thanks for the reply @egopak and your attempt to help me which is very appreciated. :smirk:

The issue is more complicated because the HTML editor is not thereā€¦ See the recorded gif below:

As you can see here in the gif the whole UI is messed up because the editor doesnā€™t load. You can only add plain text.:scream: :sob:

Kind regards

Actually; I double checked and youā€™re right. It was set to ā€œDirect HTMLā€. Iā€™ve changed it and boom!

Thank you this actually did the trick.

Kind regards

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What is the point of that setting ā€œDirect HTMLā€ when you cannot use anything but plain text? :thinking:

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards

Have you actually tried entering some HTML code there and click ā€œSaveā€?

Hereā€™s what I have:

And once I click the ā€œEdit plain textā€ button, I can also modify the plain text version, which gets generated based on your HTML body when you click ā€œSaveā€, e.g.:

Awesome, glad I could help :slight_smile:

P.S. Feel free to mark the message above as the answer, so that others can quickly find it too in the future

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