I forgot 🧠 to how use

the tinyMCe editor instead of the block editor in the e-mail templates:

Can someone please refresh my brain on this?

Thanks! :smiley:

Nevermind I found the solution in one of my very old threads:

You have to go to your users profile and change the editor from “Mozaik” to “TinyMCE”:
and then hit save of course. :+1:

However, thanks anyway guys! :smiley:

Kind regards

So you need to update it from all users one-by-one or you could do it at system level?

Yes correct; each user will have to do that themselves for them to make email templates with their own html code instead of using the block editor.

I haven’t found a way do do it on system lever as administrator. :sob: :wink:

Correction - You can also set it from the the admin side. :+1: I forgot about that. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Admin >>> User Management >>> user XYZ >>>

Kind regards

Awesome, I felt that I saw it before under admin :sweat_smile:

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