No hyperlink button to create links in WYSIWYG Editor? | [emails]

After digging a bit deeper into your profile I do see what you mean. It is problematic indeed. How active is really the development of SuiteCRM really or is salesagility putting the money and efforts somewhere else?

That Is just ridiculous and sounds insane. Why have they done that? Doesnā€™t make sense to me. Using one and the same makes logical sense, right?

Kind regards

Iā€™ll start by answering this oneā€¦

Itā€™s a big they. Many people, over many years of developments. Some of the code in SuiteCRM is quite excellent, some of it sucks, and TinyMCE integration I would say is one of those nasty areas. Got off to a bad start, then whenever people added it in one more screen they would avoid the mess by starting over, thus creating a bigger mess.

My ongoing list of Places where TinyMCE is used:

  • email templates edit view
  • user profile, email settings, signatures
  • emails module, compose
  • PDF Templates module
  • KB module
  • campaigns wizard, inline when editing the templates
  • Cases module, threaded updates
  • several Description fields in several modules

There are probably more that I havenā€™t discovered yet.

The approach I started to take is to

  1. Make the user-configured editor a proper SugarField, to ensure that the entanglement with the View code is done properly, not with specific hacks to every screen (usually quite ugly, since they require both HTML and JS)
  2. Make the TinyMCE configuration independent of the code, and make it extensible by users

Iā€™ve done this for a couple of templates screens, but I wonā€™t call my approach ā€œsuccessfulā€ until Iā€™ve implemented it in a few more screens (I might get stuck and find out itā€™s not a workable solution).

I donā€™t really know. I see that GitHub is much less active than it should be, since January. I know that Covid didnā€™t help at all. I know that there is serious money and efforts going into Suite8, which is mostly UI work.

My personal approach is this: instead of just complaining that SA should do more, I try to be thankful for what they do. Itā€™s a lot. But I do feel the pain of the slowdown in the project, and I think much more needs to go into Suite8 besides UI work.

Thatā€™s why I launched my SponsorWare campaign, idealistically thinking that the Community could back me (many small sponsorships providing a nice added up value) so I could work on those things that I believe are high among peopleā€™s priorities. Robustness, eliminating current pain points, Email, etc.

I want the community to hire me as the extra developer that SuiteCRM needs :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot @pgr for explaining this as this makes me understand things more.

Well for users like me it more also a question if you should base your company on a system that is slowing down or not. Can you trust its future development and stability etc? It cost money to change system and it cost money to start using a system etc. So you want to be certain as company owner. I do like your idea though and I hope I can contribute and buy your addons because they do look really useful and cool. :sunglasses:
As a startup like mine you need some check boxes ticked off first before you can do something like that though. :wink:

With regards to the tinymce mess. How about starting a local community crowdfunding to fund a cleanup of that ā€œcrap codeā€?

There must be interest by all SuiteCRM users e.g. the companies to make this be fixed so it is more user friendly both for the admins and for the end-users?

Kind regards

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Thatā€™s me - a crowdfunded developer who knows SuiteCRM deeply, and is motivated to start fixing it up ASAP :smile:

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Hi @pgr
Well I mean more like an official ā€œdonateā€ thread or something that announcees this to the whole SuiteCRM community. Heck it even could be the the Patreon platform, for example. Revive Adserver (former Open X community edition) uses Patreon too:

It might work good for this tooā€¦ :smirk:

Kind regards

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Hey @pgr
I hope you are having a good dayā€¦

Just a quick question. I had not success with trying to add the hyberlink button etc. I did however mange to enable the toolbar menu but changing the value from ā€œfalseā€ to ā€œtrueā€ and that sort of works because there is a hyberlink feature in that.

But I do also really need to enable the html source button too so i can copy/paste some code snippets into my emails. (Some marketing stuff)

  1. Do you have any idea on how to do that?

  2. Also do you have any idea why the system refused to add the other button? If you have have any idea/suggestion what it could be that could lead me in the right direct it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

I donā€™t understand, where do you have a problem? I added the buttons in 3 minuets.

I donā€™t understand, where do you have a problem? I added the buttons in 3 minutes. Look at my changing in file ā€˜modules/Emails/include/ComposeView/EmailsComposeView.jsā€™

  $.fn.EmailsComposeView.defaults = {
    "tinyMceOptions": {
      skin_url: "themes/default/css",
      skin: "",
/* add plugins */
//      plugins: "fullscreen",
      plugins: "fullscreen,link, paste",
/*  */
      menubar: false,
/* add button to toolbar */
/*      toolbar: ['fontselect | fontsizeselect | bold italic underline | styleselect'], */
      toolbar: ['fontselect | fontsizeselect | bold italic underline | styleselect | bullist | numlist | link | unlink | undo | redo | copy | paste'],
/*  */
      formats: {
        bold: {inline: 'b'},
        italic: {inline: 'i'},
        underline: {inline: 'u'}

I did exactly that and hmm nothing happened on my side. But to be fair I had not turned on the ā€œdeveloper modeā€ when i did it and uploaded the changes through ftp.

The only thing that worked was:

menubar: true,
/* add button to toolbar /
toolbar: [ā€˜fontselect | fontsizeselect | bold italic underline | styleselectā€™], */

That was enabled directly.
But the normal buttons refused to show up.

Kind regards


Do you add plugins: ā€œlinkā€ and ā€œpasteā€?

/* add plugins */
//      plugins: "fullscreen",
      plugins: "fullscreen,link, paste",
/*  */

Use or not ā€œdeveloper modeā€ does not matter. You can load or edit files as you want.

No, I only added ā€œlinkā€

/* add plugins /
// plugins: ā€œfullscreenā€,
plugins: ā€œfullscreen,link,ā€,

I did try to add some other plugins too by looking into the tinymce plugin folder/plugin code. That didnā€™t work well either. But I might done something wrong of course when testing with the others.

It will work with plugins only.

Hmmā€¦ New weird issues. :thinking:
After updating to the latest version the whole editor is gone.

That body text box is filling the whole window and outside too as you can see too. Never seen that before. The upgrade itself went smoothly without any errors was reported.

In Brave dev tools it is reported that Tiny fails to load:

However when I go to ā€”> All --> Emails ā€”> Compose it loads perfectly fine including the above mentioned plugins:

This is pretty strange. I have dev mode enabled.

Any idea of what this could be?

Kind regards

I saw the problem before. It was error into the file .htaccess. I didnā€™t test the latest version.

So what do I need to do in the .htaccess file to resolve this so the email popup (in leads) loads normally?

I see that in the dev tools (Please see the screenshot above) it refers to the file which is failing to load with a 404.

But there is no such file in the root folder. I also downloaded the newest installation package (Just to check), and that file is missing there too.

Kind regards

Sorry. I donā€™t remember what the problem was. Can you look at differences the files .htaccess in latest and previous version?

I think this is a new bug, I mentioned this in another post earlier today

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Hi @pgr

Thank you for the links.

They way I read it there is no real solution to this bug. Rolling back is something I could do through our backup systems of our server but that would also mean losing production data. So Iā€™m stuck between a rock and a hard place. :scream:

@p.konetskiy If it derives from the .htaccess fileā€¦ is there big differences in the versions. Could it work with just replacing the newest version and use the old one instead?

Kind regards

I forgot to say by the way @pgr that Iā€™m not even using a template. Itā€™s the default load-out on the email client in SuiteCRM.

Kind regards

The file .htaccess is part of config web-server (apache, nginx or ect.). It isā€™n influence on working SuiteCRM directly.There is rule access to directories and files SuiteCRM only.
You can change file but new version can solve problems with unauthorized access to directories and files SuiteCRM. I thick that the better varint to fix the bug into new version.

Right thanks. I do understand the functions of .htaccess file and why you should normally not tamper with itā€¦

But this bug is just so annoying and is limiting to your ability to work properly in the system so that is why I considered to do something with the .htaccess file.

I need to just email through the normal MS Outlook as worst case scenario if salesagility doesnā€™t come up with a fix ASAP. But then I will lose the connection relationship in lead records and emails obviously.

Kind regards