Hello all,
Long time reader first time poster here. I currently am working on an installation of suiteCRM at the current company I work for. The issue that I am coming to is that in order to have Products and Services information displayed in the subpanel under the respective account it is associated with, it needs to be linked through utilizing invoices/quotes etc.
The company I work for does not plan on utilizing this functionality of suiteCRM as there already exists a separate system in place that handles all invoicing/billing/quoting for the products and services. They do not wish to switch.
My main goal was to build out a comprehensive list of all unique product specifications as they vary for each individual customer to aid our support department in diagnosing problems with individual units and storing that unit specific information.
Really I would like suggestions on how I can link the products and services to their respective accounts without utilizing the AOS features or suggestions on the best way to approach accomplishing this goal. Potentially creating a separate subpanel in studio specifically for recording this information? Any input would be invaluable to me. Thank you so much in advance.