Which SugarCRM product & release is closer to latest SuiteCRM Version 7.11.18?

We are happy users of SuiteCRM Version 7.11.18.
a huge thanks to developer for your amazing job in keeping the SuiteCRM code open source!

We often need Documentation, and understand that it is a huge effort to produce it and keep it updated (btw: if it would be in the form of an easy to edit wiki we would be happy to contribute to it), so we very often end up (googling for solutions) in Sugar documentations, which sometimes helps, but some other is totally confusing.

Our question is: when we end up in Sugar documentation, which is the Sugar product and release we should look at when we look for documentation about SuiteCRM Version 7.11.18?


Did you see this - https://docs.suitecrm.com/

Hey, we do have the docs site that may be slightly outdated in parts but should mainly be up to date. If so feel free to use this thread to highlight bits you think could do with being updated (that goes out to anyone) and I can raise that internally :+1:

In house I don’t think we would be 100% sure how close we are to any of the Sugar documentation, our products diverged many years ago and have taken different development lines since then. My best bet would be to check your about page, it should show your Suite version and will also show the sugar version and start from there.

TLDR: We have diverged from sugar an unknown amount, please let us know which parts of the docs you think need to be updated :+1::+1:

The version of SugarCRM that is closest is 6.5. But as Mac said, we have diverged a lot.

The Docs are a wiki (only better)


yes, of course, and it has been very helpful (we are building API client methods in Ruby, see Developing SuiteCRM API Client methods in Ruby, anybody interested? )

ok, thanks.

In house I don’t think we would be 100% sure how close we are to any of the Sugar documentation

yes, of course, more then understandable

parts of the docs you think need to be updated

no real need for now, but I will post back here if I see some area specific to SuiteCRM and with missing or too old doc.


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I just realized that if you go yourself to the “About” page of your SuiteCRM installation you read just what I was asking:

**Version 7.11.18**
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)


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