Developing SuiteCRM API Client methods in Ruby, anybody interested?

we are developing API methods in Ruby, since we could not find anything already made.

(SuiteCRM API v.8, of course)

Any suggestions?

Did any of you tried to auto generate those API methods in any language from the swagger with an auto generation tool (like )

If somebody is interested we could help each other in a public gitlab project, so to be able to produce clean code that can be release open sourced.


hI @fraxx - we use Redmine that is built on Ruby - so collaboration would be of interest here, on suite <-> ruby

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If this is something for the future, wouldn’t it be better to target the new GraphQL API of SuiteCRM 8? (not to be confused with the v8 API of SuiteCRM 7.x…)

In Suite 8 the API is not just new and different, it has a different place in the architecture because the regular app UI also uses it. So it becomes the default route both for the main app and for external integrations.

I am sure that accessing GraphQL from Ruby is not problematic, right?


I am sure that accessing GraphQL from Ruby is not problematic, right?

yes, of course, it is even much easier.

Thanks DJuser for your availability: I did develop the code to handle a bit the API on what we needed, but then we used some internal suitecrm features to reach our goal, but Ruby API will be no doubt interesting for us, too, especially with the new version.

My issue is time for pro-bono: I did a lot this year, maybe next year… let me see if I can do something in January :slight_smile:

Hi @fraxx
I’m not a coder, but willing to make a small budget to fix and streamline some of the small things like this. And some recent bugs in Suite that my users have found.

@pgr - that is wise advice. re: GraphQL API of SuiteCRM 8.
SuiteCRM 7 to 8 will be a big jump for folks as lots has changed I hear. I guess the API big-change is part of that; and there will likely never no plans to do the painful work to make GraphQL work on SuiteCRM 7…

OK DJuser happy to be involved, you can send me a direct message: note that for the suite/PHP side, unless is pretty straightforward, I will probably suggest to ask a pro suitecrm developer (many are available here, and Profile - pgr - SuiteCRM himself you already know is super and has helped us, too, a lot :slight_smile: ).

As for the SuiteCRM7 vs SuiteCRM8/GraphQL we see the ‘big jump’, too… I am looking forward to understand when we’ll be able to plan it