Undefined popups

Ok let me show you demo please be there for sometime

Watch this video contacts subpanel documents get reset after save and deploy. why is this so ?
Why this is so ? please tell

It could be an issue of file permission or ownership.
You can identify the issue by checking suitecrm.log or apache error log.
Do you have anything in your browser console? Is there any error there?

Thanks & Regards,
Team Urdhva Tech

This is the error
http://mydomain.com/namit/suitecrm/cache/index.php?entryPoint=getImage&themeName=SuiteP&imageName=dashletclose.png 403 (Forbidden)

seriously i am fedup with this permission issue . What was the correct permission values for suitecrm in cpanel?

This might help you.

  1. Help with permissions error 7.8.2
  2. https://docs.suitecrm.com/admin/installation-guide/downloading-installing/

Thank You Let me check.