Help with permissions error 7.8.2

I just installed suitecrm manually on cpanel server. When clicking between pages after installation I noticed “undefined” in the loading process. When I go to admin -> studio and start playing around there are the same undefined messages on the left and on the right. I haven’t noticed as of yet any other undefined messages but I haven’t really utilized the software yet.

is there a detailed fix for this on the latest solution? Is there any documentation to reference which files should have exact permissions?

Software: CENTOS 6.8 x86_64 virtuozzo - WHM 62.0 (build 17)


Please set the following permissions on your SuiteCRM instance:

sudo chmod -R 755 .

sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

For more detail. You can go through documentation here.

Also you need to verify RewriteBase path is correct on your .htaccess file.

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Thanks! It’s working great now :slight_smile: