Trouble upgrading from SuiteCRM 7.10.18

Please, write more detail how you resolved the problem.
Thank you.

I have the same problem with upgrade 7.10.18 to 7.10.22. I see Blank screen after uploaded upgrade file and push next.
In files “suitecrm.log” and “sugarcrm.log” does not сontain any errors.

After I set “php_flag display_errors on” in .htaccess I have error on blank screen:
" Parse error : syntax error, unexpected ‘=’, expecting ‘)’ in /opt/lampp/htdocs/crm/files.md5 on line 11712"

I deleted the files.md5 and moved to next step, but have a lot of new errors.

I tryed to install 7.10.18 (without any modification) and upgrade to 7.10.22 and got the similar errors.

Tryed to install suitecrm 7.10.19 (without any modifications) and upgrade to 7.10.22.
Got the similar errors.

Tryed to run this commands:
composer clearcache
composer dump-autoload
composer install

Tryed to increase parameters in php.ini

Tryed to use PHP 7.1.1, 7.1.18, 7.2.25 nothing changed.

How to upgrade suitecrm from 7.10.18 or newer?

(I moved your topic)

A couple of things you can try:

  • disable display_errors in your php.ini, and restart web server.
  • delete the contents of /cache/upgrades/temp and start upgrade again

Anyway, there are significant known issues with the upgrader in the latest versions. The next version to come out in January will fix these.

Thank you.

I enabled “display_errors” only to see whats happened.
Before I thinking thats I have a some problem in my config.

I will wait new version. I think it is better and more safety.

Ok, but you really shouldn’t enable the errors on screen like that. The errors sometimes are echoed into the wrong part of the screen structure, and the screens will malfunction.

What you should do is keep an eye on your logs when you need to diagnose/troubleshoot something.

Good day.
I try to upgrade release 7.10.18 again. Now to 7.10.24.

After upload ugrade file have blank screen or (if php_flag display_errors on) errors:

Notice: Undefined index: additional_step in /opt/lampp/htdocs/docs/modules/UpgradeWizard/index.php on line 291
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ')' in /opt/lampp/htdocs/docs/files.md5 on line 11712

I deleted file files.md5 and finished the upgrade successfull. I hope )
Is it correct? Maybe there are some procedure to check system?

Thank you.

Please make use of the following steps for assistance while upgrading:

I read and done like this.
Only one difference that I deleted files.md5

SuiteCRM package doesn’t include any file called docs/files.md5, your error must be related to something else.

File files.md5 was locate in root of CRM site. I delete this file to resolve the error.

This file was created again After upgrade SuiteCRM.

Ah sorry, you’re right, it is created during upgrades. I think it should automatically be deleted at the end…

Maybe your upgradeWizard.log has more clues… I wonder if your upgrades are completing correctly; maybe this is also a consequence of the problems explained in Mac’s post above.

I am wonder too )

File upgradeWizard.log is very big.
Last rows:

Mon, 17 Feb 2020 16:40:07 +0100 [UpgradeWizard] - include/StateSaverException.php
Mon, 17 Feb 2020 16:40:22 +0100 [UpgradeWizard] - Cleaning up the session. Goodbye.
Mon, 17 Feb 2020 16:40:22 +0100 [UpgradeWizard] - at unlinkUWTempFiles()
Mon, 17 Feb 2020 16:41:32 +0100 [UpgradeWizard] - finished!
Mon, 17 Feb 2020 16:41:32 +0100 [UpgradeWizard] - Cleaning up the session. Goodbye.
Mon, 17 Feb 2020 16:41:32 +0100 [UpgradeWizard] - resetting $_SESSION

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And did you get this same error again?

What do you have in that file, near line 11712?

Look like the last line not finished. Maybe is a resoult of some errors while upgrade to 7.10.18

After upgrade to 7.10.24 this file look more completed


Yes, that is consistent with your PHP brekaingh in the middle of the upgrade and leaving things in half.

If you see your PHP log you probably have an error there with some resource running out (memory_limit, max_execution_time, …)

Bu anyway, you needn’t worry now, everything is ok.

Thank you.
I will test this upgrade on localhost and after repeat on live site.