SuiteCRM Responsive Theme

can i add new theme in suiteCRM and how

Curious why there are several CSS rules that affect the display on Mobile devices (iPhone 6s for me). Namely the quick create fields are set to display none at max-width:480px and the detail view is changed as well. is there a reasoning for this or is it only an issue for Retina displays?

When using a report in a dashlet then an incomplete black border will appear around the dashlet which doesn’t look nice.

Can this be fixed in a future release?


Using the Suite 7 theme, when i use Emails, panel, the navigation buttons are covered. If i use Suite R, they are not there.

Can someone take a look?

Thank you


I can also confirm this issue. Navigation buttons are hidden completely in the Suite R theme, partially hidden in Suite 7.


is this still available, i can not see the branch on github?

If you mean the SuiteR theme, It’s not a branch on Github, it’s a directory (themes/SuiteR) on the main “master” branch, since it has been merged into that branch when it was released.

There are discussions about deprecating SuiteR soon:

I hope they hold that off for a while longer, though…

In russian lang button background-position: 136px 13px;

Maybe make background-position: 90% 50%;

@zaharovrd that looks like the SuiteP theme, this thread is about SuiteR (the “R” stands for responsive).

is this theme available ?

SuiteR is available for SuiteCRM version up to 7.8.5.

Starting with 7.9 there is only SuiteP. There were technical reasons to do this; eventually there will be more visual options, but not at the moment. You can customize the theme via CSS if you really need to.

So I’m unclear. Are there usability issues with SuiteP, such as navigation buttons obscured? If so, what is the workaround?

No, SuiteP is fine, it’s just that some people don’t like it because of excessive spacing and the colour scheme. Other people love it, it’s a matter of taste.

The main issue with it IMO is the space

In list view with SuiteR theme I can easily view 20 records on a screen

With SuiteP I can see 13

Looks pretty but not very practical in the real world

Having said that shouldn’t be too difficult to adjust the css to make it better

I would agree on the excessive spacing in Suite P, which was done to accommodate mobile users.

I am now very happy with Suite P. I installed the “compact” version (mentioned and downloadable elsewhere on this forum) and tweaked it further, so it’s optimized for my laptop. (It also looks great on a desktop - better colors and nice “tight” layouts - lots of data, without scrolling!)

I can see 20 rows in any list view. (I could have shown a few more rows, but I use a 15px font size at high-contrast, so it’s easier to read everything). The dashlet lines are also closer together.

It just requires some CSS understanding to find and adjust the padding values.

I’m hoping that eventually, Suite P will be configurable (via a configuration screen in admin > themes) to change colors, font sizes, padding, etc. Then the single-theme “problem” with 7.9 and beyond will be less of an issue.

Done for mobile? I would expect overall, the percentage of time of business users using a CRM on their smartphone is pretty minuscule. It’s just not an efficient way to do your daily job.

This seems to me like you have some younger generation developers steering this that are projecting their more mobile-centric view of life onto the product’s roadmap with an emphasis on aesthetics over practicality.

I’ve seen blog posts by Greg Soper (the CEO) explaining the design wasn’t made in-house, it was done by an external designer.

These measures for padding are now part of recommendations being issued by Google (for Android) and other vendors. So it’s easy for a designer to just get them as supposed “best-practices” and move on without realizing all of the usability issues, on all platforms.

I don’t like this spacing either, I think it really needs to be tighter on Desktops.

But let’s not jump to conclusions that someone has a vision to “go mobile”, SalesAgility have their own clients and know what they’re using, and where. The desktop still rules for CRM, it’s just that mobile cannot be ignored and needs to be accommodated. I expect that things will be improved in future versions.

If anybody’s in a hurry, they can just go and fix the theme for themselves, or download the compacted SuitePImproved theme, or hire 3 developers for a few months and order a new front-end for SuiteCRM and contribute it to the community.

When I first saw Suite P, I thought it was probably designed by “a designer”, with little consideration of where and how a CRM is typically used. With the younger guys, who live on their cell phones, it probably made sense, but that is not the reality of most software usage.

The basic Suite P may wow! people at an exhibit booth, but when you put it in the hands of most heavy-duty users (think of a data-entry or telephone support person), it rapidly becomes cumbersome, requiring a lot of scrolling around to find stuff.

What I would like to see in future releases is that themes are handled in a different manner. Perhaps have just the one supplied “theme”, but you then have the ability to change colors, fonts, spacing/padding, etc. and to save EACH of your customizations into separate “theme files”. Then at login, you just select your preferred layout, that best fits the device you are using … desktop, mobile phone, etc. That would cater to everyone’s needs!

The saying “if it’s not broke, don’t try to fix it” comes to my mind. Isn’t the R in SuiteR for ‘Responsive’? So what was so bad with that theme that it had to be deprecated in 7.9? I would find it hard to believe that Google’s Android app design recommendations would be considered so important that desktop usability would be downplayed, and theme choices would be removed.

I appreciate the hard work, but in the end the goal of the development should be to provide the most efficient interface for the widest user-base which would be the desktop user base.

Suite P is also responsive.

As was explained elsewhere, the need to have just one theme was something to do with compatibility with the new email module.

Unfortunately, “recommendations” from the likes of Google do tend to have clout, but any future design discussions/changes to SuiteCRM really need to involve a UI/UX person … not just a designer.

I’m not disparaging designers, but many tend to work in a vacuum (as was the case, here). They need to be managed … not just left to come up with something “pretty”.

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