SuiteCRM Responsive Theme

From my point of view, I imagine that its unlikely that people will actually be doing heavy data entry on a smart phone. On the other hand, Checking contact address details, sending quick emails, changing calendar appointments is far more likely.

In our business, we are dealing with day to day stuff in the office or on laptops at home - but all Opportunities involve at some point going out to visit the client’s site - so looking up that sort of information on a phone is more common.

We are also developed 100% free SuiteCRM responsive theme. Download Now

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Hi Techesperto!

I visit the site, but when I click the “DOWNLOAD FREE THEME” button, nothing happens. This is because there is no URL in that button’s link! Maybe you forgot to put it there?

I’d love to try out this new free theme. Thanks.

With the Suite P theme, could there be just the one navigation bar for tablet desktop and mobile?
this would cut out a lot of html and make the template file a lot simpler.

also I don’t know if anyone else has this issue but the navigation links on small window sizes are infuriating for opening new tabs (as they are controlled by javascript it just takes you to a blank tab) I have to zoom out till the media query for large size kicks in (1000~px), then open new tab for a module, and then zoom back in to continue.

I don’t think SuiteP will get any big redesigns now that we’re beginning work on the new UI for v8.

But your suggestions are good. In the case of the second one, I would advise (or ask?) you to open an issue on Github. It might be simple enough to fix, and it can almost be considered a bug, since it hinders usability significantly.

Latest bootstrap technology based SuiteCRM responsive theme that comes with great look and feel.

Are you interest ? request a free video demo

“Great look and feel” ?? So what?

This CRM software is all about making users efficient and effective at doing their jobs. How “pretty” it is irrelevant to usabililty.

Like most other companies our CRM users are using the software on large desktop monitors (like 24" Full HD) AND we have modified the CRM to add about 50 new fields for case management. Maybe we are on the high side but it’s pretty common to add at least a dozen or two dozen.

The users need to quickly find and view field information. We painstakingly modified the view definitions to take the CRM from a two-column display suitable for a 1990’s 18" 800x600 resolution screen to a 21st century (but still pretty lame) 4-column display.

When I tried this Suite P theme on the new major version of Suite like two years ago, I found you could no longer modify it to 4 columns (at least in the way we did before… I realize I’m rehashing some of the info in my original post.) So I was thinking this new interface must have been designed by some 20-something fresh out of CS school who lives his life on a phone a tablet and just cares that it looks pretty. No real consideration that people are using this on a desktop with large monitor, or even dual-monitors in some cases more than on their frickin mobile devices!

So this recent post about how pretty it is, is completely laughable to me when considering “what does this really mean to my users in how they do their jobs using the CRM?”

Has anyone been able to modify the layout files to get a 4-column layout in the Suite P theme for desktops? This responsive two-column Suite P theme would be great if the entire workforce was severely vision impaired. LMAO.

If you know your Bootstrap you just edit the .tpl files of the views you want and easily make it 4-column, and responsive, adapting to screen size.

I did that in an hour of work (my first attempt with Bootstrap) for the Admin screen because I wanted it to have 2 columns instead of one, like it was before. It wasn’t that hard. Admittedly, the detail and edit views are more complicated, but they are not magic and mystery. It’s just PHP and CSS.

What is essential to one company, is not essential to the other. If people want a certain feature they should just pay a competent developer to get it and contribute it, SalesAgility cannot possibly do it all, and in fact doesn’t, and I am glad that’s how it is: this is a community, not a monopoly.

Note that I support your request for more columns and better large screen/multiple screen support. I just can’t see how this can be treated like it is something you have a right to complain about. This is fully open-source, go ahead and change it. Nobody owes you anything.

“Admittedly, the detail and edit views are more complicated”

The detail end edit views are the only screens we needed to modify! That’s where 90% of the user functions happen. So you comment about taking 1 hour to modify tpl files doesn’t hold much water when talking real world usage in my honest opinion.

Also in my opinion, the fact software is open source isn’t a good excuse for the interface being poorly designed.

My point is the OLD Suite theme, because you can easily modify the meta files to allow for 4-column display, is actually MORE functional than the newer, prettier theme. And there are quite a few people on here that agree with me. The downside is the layout editor is Studio behaves a little erratically to the point we abandoned using it and just modify the detail and edit view php files directly.


If you use Bootstrap to edit the .tpl files, what does that preclude you using the Studio Layout function and /or editing you metadata files in the future?


Hi Dianna, sorry for the delay replying, I was away on holidays :slight_smile:

The “tpl” files are the correct place to change HTML layouts, and they are ready to work with Studio as long as you keep the control structure intact (loops going through fields, etc).

Of course, at some point, if Studio only creates two column layouts, and you need more, you will need some way to either add features to Studio (harder) or just edit metadata files directly (easier).

I think you should be able to edit the tpl’s for extra columns without subverting the app’s architecture too much. But if you want to still have Studio let you change the layouts in WYSIWYG style, it will require some work on Studio, and that I am not advising anyone to try…it’s pretty complicated.

Maybe you would be so kind as to share the .tpl files of your (more than 2 column) editview/detaiview and any other related changes? This might help some of us who are one-man IT support for companies. In the minimum, it will give us somewhere to start. Please and thank you.

John, I don’t think anyone has done this for Detail and Edit views, which would be the most useful, but also a bit harder to achieve.

I made changes to the Admin screen, to make it two-columns like it was before, changing the HTML table to Bootstrap.

Here are my changes in case they help someone:

I made them in custom directory, although in that comparison they show as changes in core.

I don’t remember if I had to adjust any CSS, I probably did. But this shows how to use Bootstrap column classes to specify the essential structure of the screen. I recommend reading up on Bootstrap columns, it’s not very intuitive, but it’s easy once you get the hang of it.

Then, there’s a lot of trial and error. I recommend working on a simple web page that you can render immediately until you get the "div"s structure right, only then try this in the SuiteCRM tpl.

Thank you for the help! I love a good community.