SuiteCRM Responsive Theme


I upgraded from from 7.1.x. I’ve been using Suite for over a year now. The original install was an ‘upgrade’ from SugarCRM.

I will go back and revisit changing the theme but earlier I went to the Themes section from Admin and clicked both the “enabled” and “default” radio buttons. Upon clicking save I get a screen full of text and only html graphics (buttons, etc.)… the kind of thing you get when the .css file is not being loaded. (I can take a snapshot if necessary.) As I remember I was able to scroll down and reverse the above by making the Suite 7 theme default and reload the page and I was back to normal (whew!)

I have FTP access to all folders and files. Perhaps some .css file needs to be set to 755 (I’m rather technical … not a newbie… have had Sugar for 7 years before Suite.)

Running on PHP 5.6 on a FreeBSD dedicated server at I don’t think it is a PHP issue since Suite runs just fine when using the old theme.

Give me a hint on what to try and I’ll be happy to do it.

Let me ask this. What is the relationship between “enabled” and “default” on the theme-choice page? In other words what IS the procedure for selecting the new theme? Make it both enabled AND default? Disable the old theme?

I’m sure this can be fixed easily if I can just figure out what file or what directory to mess with if it is a permission issue.

Looking forward to your reply.


yes permissions can play a major role. The upgrade to 7.2 was very extensive.

It does not matter which theme is set as the default, to find out if it works. Screenshot`s would be great to see what happens. Also your log files can provide information.

Activate Suite7 as default theme, so that both themes are available and activate your user account. Open your user account a second time in a tab (so you can quickly change the theme) and activate SuiteR Theme. Take a screenshot of it and try a Quick Repair and Rebuild-perform. If that does not work go back to Suite7 in the second tab.
Look in your log files (SugarCRM, ApacheLog) if there are unusual entries.

I set Suite R as enabled and default as you can see below. I then clicked SAVE and I get a text listing… the .CSS file didn’t get loaded.

What’s next?


yeah that’s not very nice … Looks like Permissions

However, I had written Suite7 as default - perhaps does not change…

Maybe you try the following order:

1. Backup DB and htdoc`s

  1. delete the following directories
    • Cache / include / javascript /
    • Cache / jsLanguage /
    • Cache / themes /

2.5 do Number 3 befor Login…

  1. Set correct permissions again. (which may affect only individual files after upgrading, who knows)

Mine are:

htdocs / config.php + htdocs / include / utils.php
dir 1517
file 420
chown (set your user)
chgrp (set your group)

All Files 664
All folders and subfolders 755

For the following folders and subfolders 775

  • Cache
  • Custom
  • Modules
  • Themes
  • Data
  • Upload
  • Htdocs / confic.override.php
    (Whether here the files are set to 775 or not, makes no difference to me personally)
  1. Login and Quick Repair

  2. Try to change without theme to change default theme Suite7

So that’s a lot of work and will take a while. I’m curious how it turns out.

The Permissions works on my Ubuntu Server, but also on my Windows. If anyone has notes on CentOS, that would be great.

I changed the permissions and that worked.

Nice looking responsive theme.

Thank you.

Where is the theme settings link for Suite R? I don’t see it on my admin page anymore.

Navigate to Admin -> Themes and click on the ‘SuiteR’ name.

You will see the colour picker settings, specific to the SuiteR theme.



I thought all I changed in colors was turning the blues to green. By the way the button color setting doesn’t work. The button hover color does.

Here’s the issue. I noticed that active drop downs the background is white and the menu text is white. Example below you can’t see the dropdown menu item below ‘Mass Update’ Was this an oversight with the Theme or did I change something? Nevertheless, suggestions on best way to fix. I’ve tried different color setting and nothing changes this. I realize this is a new theme so it will have its bugs but is there an update to the theme to fix these issues or do I need to just pull up the javascript console in chrome and inspect the elements to determine which css and where I need to go to correct these issues?

Also note the color setting screen there’s a setting with no lable. The eight setting box doesn’t save any changes.

Is there an update yet to the theme that takes care of issues as above where the style CSS is specifying the button text style for the drop down style which doesn’t work since they are both white. Shouldn’t there be a separate style for drop down text instead of borrowing from the button text style? I’d rather not hack the CSS and just use stock.

Hi, I installed the new version 7.2.1 of SuiteCRM. I read that this version contains the new template responsive. In my version 7.2.1 newly installed clean and I do not see icons like in this picture . Is there a way to activate them or are not yet operational?
Thanks for the support


The theme is awesome. Just upgraded to suitecrm.

But the hitch is , in the top menu under “ALL” , the scroll bar doesnot appear.

If I change to Suite 7 theme, it displays it in 2 columns.

Any changes in the css that needs to be done.

Further, I didnot see the 4 icons (Home, refresh, etc ) in the sidebar also.

Pls help & update.


Hi All,

I’m new to SuiteCRM, could someone tell me where I can find a free theme for it? The two which are distributed with the SuiteCRM in default package have some bugs which make working with some modules unreal. Would be nice to install some well-done theme.

I’m afraid those are the only two themes available for SuiteCRM that I know about. There may be some third party commercially available themes for Sugarcrm CE on Sugar oufitters. Sugar made the themeing ability of SugarCRM CE very limited and difficult to do, its not simple like creating a word press theme. Since Suite is a fork of SugarCE we have inherited this poor themeing ability. I was working on a nice theme myself but hit several road blocks that made me reconsider if its actually worth my time.

I’m surprised that you are having issues with the themes

We use both themes with no problems

Can I ask what version of SuiteCRM are you using and what modules are you having issues with?

We have installed Version 7.2.3. On some screens we have issues with management controls which are hidden under other ones, for example on the Emails page we can’t see pagination navigation buttons completely, so we can’t use them, that happens when we use Suite 7, if we turn to the Suite R the navigation buttons do not appear at all.

Thank you Andy, i’ve surfed through some of the commercial ones, just wanted to doublecheck with the SuiteCRM community about the options that I’ve probably missed.


on the responsive template, in the e-mail module, I can not see all the emails. I mean I can choose the number of emails on the page, but in the mailbox I have much more emails (in the classic template I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 … etc to change pages with emails, on the responsive template there is no possibility to see more emails then the maximum number seen on the page …

Is it a correct behaviour?

How to see older emails?

Thank you in advance,


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This is a nice theme.
Unfortunately, our Samsung Galaxy 6 users report that it doesn’t work for them.

In the Leads module, the “Create a Note or Attachment” and “Create a Task” links in the DetailView page Do Not Work at all.

Anyone else experience this?

Not sure if it helps but works fine for me using a nexus 5

I’ve tried it using both chrome & firefox on the phone and both work

I have created a Github issue for the missing colour functionality, if you would like to post additional comments.

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