SuiteCRM Calendar and Google Calendar ... mission imposible

I have i huge problem with sync SuiteCRM and Google Calendar. I have no idea what chould i do now …

So actually i have

WHAT should I do next? Nothing showed up in my google calendar, syncing doesn’t work.

Should I add an imported calendar to my google account after the iCal integration URL: ?

Old entries appear in the google account, but the next ones do not.

“That’s it! By default, the sync happens every quarter hour. That can be changed by the Administrator in the Scheduler configuration.” where is this panel ? In SuiteCrm or in Google calendar ?

  1. From an admin suitecrm user go to
  2. Top Right mouse over the avatar
  3. In the dropdown menu click admin
  4. look for the Schedulers section click on it
  5. In this there will be a scheduler by the name “Google Calendar Sync”
    This is the scheduler that will bring your google meetings to suitecrm. check whether this scheduler is running or not

To test whether your meetings in suitecrm go to Google calendar create a meeting in suitecrm and it should appear in your google calendar

Look at this thread for some help

Ok thats great, but in my CRM i dont see Scheduler :slight_smile:

Avatar → Admin → I have section
Module Settings
Admin tools
Programmer Tools
Google Suite

Thats it
In Google Suite i have only

Maybe this Scheduler is an addon ?

In Google calendar Settings i have only upload JSON

Have a look here

OMG Im Blind :smiley:

Ok i Add new scheduler ! Update every 5 min
And last update is 15 min ago

Should a add this to crontab on the server ?

You’ll find crontab instructions (specific to your system) in Admin / Schedulers, at the bottom of the table.

Hows the calendar working out for you? Thinking of adding to our CRM as well.

Calandar works great! Use it all the time. Also have a look a Yahit to use SuiteCRM contacts in Google Mail and also relate emails to SuiteCRM contacts.

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Great to hear @pstevens :sunglasses: … I look forward to your help in setting that up soon :grin:.