SuiteCRM 8 Install Procedure

Dear all,

Excuse-me my ignorance but I don’t succeed to install the new version on my provider.

I transfer all files and change properties but the command “./bin/console suitecrm:app:install” from browser don’t start.

Could you help me?

Hi @Eurogalvano,

Welcome to the community! :wave: and thanks for trying out SuiteCRM 8.

Just a few questions to try to understand the problem:

  • Are you using linux?
  • Are you using apache webserver?
  • What php version do you have?
  • After transferring the files and trying to https://<url-of-your-crm>, what do you get?
  • When trying to run the ./bin/console suitecrm:app:install on the terminal do you get any errors?

Hi @clemente.raposo,

Thanks a lot for your prompt return,

Yes Linux.
Yes Apache.
PHP 7.4.
The provider message “On construction”.
Now I understand: We need to apply the command line in a SSH Terminal! I will try…

Best Regards

Dear @clemente.raposo

I proceed in terminal and result like figure.

But now I have a 403 error access denied.

Any suggest?

Hi @Eurogalvano

Could you try the command again with -W true, please? this will ignore the warning for the IMAP module.

Hi @clemente.raposo ,

Install with -W results:
but remains 403 error

Hi @Eurogalvano,

Nice, thats some progress.

Have you re-set the correct permissions ? Try running the following 3 commands:

find . -type d -not -perm 2755 -exec chmod 2755 {} \;
find . -type f -not -perm 0644 -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find . ! -user www-data -exec chown www-data:www-data {} \;

But please that your host is using www-data as user and group. It could be a different one.

Hi @Eurogalvano,

We have just updated the SuiteCRM 8 install documentation. The updates try to make it more comprehensive.

I think it may help a bit more now:

Please let me know if you still have issues

Dear @clemente.raposo

Unhappy don’t succeed to use the commands because I don’t have permission on linux and my host not help me.
I changed the files and folders properties in filezilla but still have 403 error.

Hi @Eurogalvano ,

Ok thank you.

Do you know if the files are set for user ‘www-data’? And if ‘www-data’ is the user used by apache?

Also, do you know if you have permissions to run the ‘chown’ command?

Another thing to check is the ‘vhost’ configuration to see if it is pointing to the correct place. ( You can find more information about this, in this part of the install guide Downloading & Installing :: SuiteCRM Documentation)

Hi @clemente.raposo ,

Sorry for the many questions.
I change permissions using FileZilla and chmod +x bin/console command using SSH terminal.
I can´t have permission to change vhost.ini
I can managed to install only using: https:///public/index.php without errors, only warning about php memory.
I can login but the dashboard doesn’t appear graphically (Picture 1).

Please help us,

Thanks a lot,

Dear Master,

I managed to finish the installation!
The permissions of some files were wrong.
I also put a new .htaccess file in the root pointing to the public folder.
Now it’s time to configure and start the testing phase.
Thanks a lot!

Hi @Eurogalvano,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

Glad you were able to solve it!

If there is any feedback you would like to provide, the following topic may be a good place to start.

Hi @Eurogalvano

Please share with us the new .htaccess file! (I can´t have permission to change vhost.ini)

Thanks in advance!

For Sure,

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !public/
RewriteRule (.) public/$1 [L]*

Best Regards