SuiteCRM 8 defaults to Legacy Install

I’m attempting to install the released version of 8.0 on Ubuntu 20.04, following the instructions here: Downloading & Installing :: SuiteCRM Documentation

I’ve tried running ./bin/console suitecrm:app:install multiple times, and it seems to only install the legacy install. returns a blank page with a 404 at

In the /crmsubfolder/public directory, the only items that exist are
bundles/ dist/ extensions/ favicon.ico index.php legacy/ robots.txt site.webmanifest

Below is the output from the install

SuiteCRM Silent Install

Running: check-install-lock
step: check-install-lock | status: done
Installer not locked. Proceeding with install
Running: check-db-connection
step: check-db-connection | status: done
DB credentials ok
Running: install-system-checks
step: install-system-checks | status: done
Running: create-config
step: create-config | status: done
Created silent install config: config_si.php
Running: create-env
step: create-env | status: done
Created .env.local
Running: run-legacy-install
step: run-legacy-install | status: done
Legacy install successful


Hi @markavesgroup,

Thank you for trying out SuiteCRM 8 and for the feedback.

We’ve seen this error happening when there is some misconfiguration in mod_rewrite.

Could you double check if you have mod_rewrite active?

Also please check if your vhost configuration is set to allow overrides. Adding an example next:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName domain.tld
    ServerAlias www.domain.tld

    <Directory /var/www/project/public>
        AllowOverride All
        Order Allow,Deny
        Allow from All

I think the issue you are having is the same as the following, you could find more information here:

Hope this helps

Hi @clemente.raposo
Thank you for the feedback.
I had already applied the mod_rewrite updates, but the issue seems to have resolved after performing an apt update to the Ubuntu system. I am unsure what update has resolved the issue, but for anyone out there spinning up a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 LAMP server, ensure you are up to date :slight_smile:

fresh Ubuntu 12.04 LAMP server, ensure you are up to date

that sounds… wrong!

Do you have any further insights on what could have been wrong?

it was a joke -Ubuntu 12.04 is not very recent -therefore not ‘fresh’.

It’s a 9 years old version of Ubuntu.

My bad. Dunno why I wrote 12.04
Should have been 20.04

Did you install 8.2? I am stuck in the same place


How to install SuiteCRM 8.2? There is only one install.php and it is in legacy directory. Is it valid?