SuiteCRM 8.8 Released!

Dear SuiteCRM Community,

Weโ€™re thrilled to announce that the production release of SuiteCRM 8.8 is now available! :tada:

:mag: Top Highlights:

  • Redesign of Record View, Subpanel, Top Widget, and Timeline
  • Two-Factor Authentication at login
  • Multiple Performance updates
  • Record Mappers & Save Handlers added
  • Fixes for multiple GitHub issues

Click on the link below to find out more :point_down:

Thanks to all the community members who helped contribute to this release :pray:


This is a great Release, congratulations. I love the screen redesigns which I have been requesting for years! :slight_smile:

It is so much better to see more information on the first screen without the need to scroll down every single time.


@suitecrm_team, such a wonderful work SuiteCRM team. I did not face any issue during installation. It was very smoooooooooooooooth. :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Plus, I was able to install SuiteCRM v8.8 in less than 3 minutes. :smile: :smile: :star_struck: :star_struck:

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Is SuiteCRM becoming too popular? :joy:

The docs and release notes would like to receive some attention :wink:

Overall, installation was smooth and a more compact view is much better!

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Thats a good new. At last a stable production Version.
As pointed by @BastianHammer Docs are down, and there is a Dire need of update for How to do Things in V8. Hopefully next focus would be on improving the documentation.

Thereโ€™s an impending job, regarding documentation, that could be done by a volunteer in the Community.

It would be interesting to create a Docs article for each of these videos:

At least converting the text contents to our Docs format (ChatGPT can help if you pass it examples) and creating a PR, that would be useful. But you would get extra points if you listen to the video and extract other useful bits of information to write down in the new article.

Any one want to try doing it?

Works like a charm and allmost all of my โ€œhotfixesโ€ have been applied. To restore my customizations took also only around 30 Minutes. I love it :heart_eyes:

Good job SuiteCRM team.

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I have entered wrong password few times for admin user. After how many minutes I should try to login? I am getting the below error on the screen.

Too many failed login attempts, please try again later.

Just a tip if you need to reset these locks
Delete the cache folder (not the cache in the public legacy the one in the outside most folder)

Specifically if you can find the pools folder in the cache that has locks stored

I tried to login after an hour and I was able to login successfully without deleting that pools folder.

But, thank you so much for answer. I will use it when the account will get locked again :face_with_peeking_eye:.

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