defaultExt not found in v 8.8

Hi. I have problem after upgrade:
root@ta30:/var/www/crm# yarn build:extension defaultExt
Error: Invalid values:
Argument: project, Given: “defaultExt”, Choices: “core”, “shell”

In my angular.json file no defaultExt. I tryed command yarn merge-angular-json but still same problem

I assume from what you write that you’re already following these new instructions.

The yarn commands are defined here, does your version match this?

Does yarn merge-angular-json create an angular.json file or not?

Yes. I checked the instructions. The command yarn merge-angular-json creates the angular.json file, but it does not contain the defaultExt project, only the shell and core projects. The package.json file is identical.

That part should be coming from extensions/defaultExt/app/angular.json

I split this into a separate topic, the discussion is getting too technical for that Release announcement post…

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So, you have it working? What was the problem? This building of the angular.json file is a new feature and I would like to understand if it is working well.

I updated from 8.7 to 8.8, but after the update, there was nothing about defaultExt in the angular.json file. Running the yarn merge-angular-json command didn’t fix it. Here’s what I did: I copied the extensions/defaultExt folder from the .zip archive, ran yarn merge-angular-json, and then everything worked fine.

Another problem that I haven’t solved is this one: Screenshot by Lightshot

I think that when upgrading to v8.8 you need to upgrade your angular version also. Check the compatibility matrix…

All versions match:

I am afraid I don’t know how to help on those errors you are getting then… :man_shrugging:

Your system looks under compatibility matrix:

Yes, I also attached a photo to show that all the systems match. But there are errors.

Hey @roobke,

Have you had a look at:

Frontend extension - Migrate to SuiteCRM 8.8+: Steps to migrate the frontend extensions, including defaultExt

I think that this link is already shared in this topic.