SuiteCRM 8.6 hangs at a blank screen during installation without progressing further

SuiteCRM 8.6 hangs at a blank screen during installation without progressing further.

PHP version?
OS and version?
Which step are you at in the install guide on the docs site?

The reason is that the documentation is bad.
Try this, and enable mod rewrite for apache:

php8.2.21 ubuntu24.04.1 apache2 2.4.58 mysql8.0.37

The next page is completely blank、、help

Perhaps you can expand the warning messages in the route access check section, that may help diagnose the issue

Try my comment above. Had the same like you. The “warnings” are actual no warnings, but errors meaning your rewrite does not work. In the browser dev tools you will see a request to graphql with 404 not found.
Why don’t you try that?