Facing error graphql after installing SuiteCRM8

Hello Team,

I am installing suitecrm 8. I have installed successfully. But while opening webpage it show error in console. Below is the error.

https://a486e6606699.ngrok.io/SuiteCRM800/public/api/graphql 404 (Not Found)
506-es2015.87684172a7ad05f6600b.js:266 ERROR Error: undefined
at new t (477-es2015.78a85e6ecad91f13fce6.js:350)
at 477-es2015.78a85e6ecad91f13fce6.js:350
at 477-es2015.78a85e6ecad91f13fce6.js:350
at new P (polyfills-es2015.8c96a3d504d415ad14cc.js:48)
at Object.error (477-es2015.78a85e6ecad91f13fce6.js:350)
at g (477-es2015.78a85e6ecad91f13fce6.js:350)
at b (477-es2015.78a85e6ecad91f13fce6.js:350)
at e.value (477-es2015.78a85e6ecad91f13fce6.js:350)
at 477-es2015.78a85e6ecad91f13fce6.js:350
at Array.forEach ()

Please help me to find the solution.

Hey there,

Are you still having issues with this?

I haven’t gone through the installation of SuiteCRM 8 myself, but I have found this logged issue around graphql:

Does this link shed any light, or solutions, on the issue?

Hello John,

It was resolved. Thanks

But i still get same problem

Hi @Ayush_legalpay,

Welcome to the community :wave:

Sorry for the delay in replying.

this thread may also help.

Hi @Ayush_legalpay,

Thank you for the feedback. How does your vhost configuration look like?

Hi @Ayush_legalpay

Thank you. Not sure if I fully understood, and apologies if what I’m about to say you already did.

The path /var/www/project/public is just an example. you should change it to the path to public folder inside your SuiteCRM directory.

Also the following should also be changed to your domain

ServerName domain.tld
ServerAlias www.domain.tld

It is suggested that getting a 404 for GraphQL is a mod_rewrite error. What if you “double check” by testing https://<your_host>/index.php/api/graphql and it still shows a 404?

How did you resolve it? I see this with 8.3.1 and 8.4.0, both fresh installs.

403 seems to be a quite common issue too, it’s what I’m getting.

I know it’s old, but seems the question may be out there… Plus I had same problem while back, got stumped, and now finally figured it out. In my case, I found that the vhost (I am using Apache2) config was not configured for ssl. I added this code to my .conf file for ssl and it all worked after that:

<Directory /<path-to-suite>/public>
        AllowOverride All
        Order Allow,Deny
        Allow from All

From what I know, there is usually a .conf file for non-ssl (port 80 typically) and for ssl (usually port 443).