SuiteCRM 7.12.5 and 8.0.4 Released

SuiteCRM 7.12.5 and 8.0.4 are now available to download .

This release includes a number of security fixes along several issue fixes.

Please note that there are some important upgrade notes regarding a new index added to the emails table.

Check out all the full details from our SuiteCRM 7.12.5 Release Notes here .

Check out the full details from our SuiteCRM 8.0.4 Release Notes here .

Thank you to all community members who contributed to this release!

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Hello Clemente,

Is by chance the security group assignment/list solved for SuiteCRM 8? (Security Group - accounts assignment/list)


Hi @mariofucile,

Thank you for you question.

No. mass security group assign hasn’t been re-implemented yet on suite 8 views.

Hi Clemente,

Sad to hear that. You may agree that without that implementation the security groups feature becomes unuseful, since you have no chance to create two groups of accounts (contacts, leads and so on), for let’s
say two distinct departments, do not you think? Will it be adjusted in the future?


Hi @mariofucile,

Thank you for your feedback.

Yes I understand, this is something we want to look into.

The following post adds some more information about the development phases of SuiteCRM 8.

Hope this helps

on download page for SuiteCRM 7.12 ESR it says:

“This ESR will have a full 18 months of support following the release of SuiteCRM 8.0.”

what date was 8 released?

That’s really easy to search here in the Forums, for example:

I see the live demo version is 8.1 on the SuiteCRM website. I have encountered a few bugs on 8.0.4 and would like to install 8.1 even if it is still technically ‘pre-release.’ This would aid me in troubleshooting if it is a problem with our implementation or a common issue. Please advise me on how to sign up for any alpha or betas going forward. Thank you!

Hi @NTXAlarmLLC,

Welcome to the community :wave:

We were in the process or releasing 8.1.0, which has been published.

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