Stock Modules in custom parent_list

Hi All,

I’ve found a similar post to my query however slightly different.

Add custom module to parenty_type_display

I am attempting to create a list for a flex_relate field.
this list will contain values to allow the Users and Contacts modules to be selected.

I made sure to copy the way the modules are typed into the parent_type_display list (‘Users’/ ‘Contacts’)

When selecting a type and attempting to search, I can see that the popup windows module URL parameter doesn’t have a value.

do I need to name my list “parent_type_display_<NAME_OF_MODULE>” or “record_type_display_<NAME_OF_MODULE>” to get this to work?

You need to add your custom module to the list in admin/dropdown editor

It’s called parent_type_display

You just need to add the the module name (usually the name of the folder in /modules/) and then give it a label.

Here’s an example where I’ve added my “Freelancers” module to the list:

Oh I forgot to post back on here

It turned out it was because I had the parent_name and parent_type fields in the view at the same time.
only parent_name should show in layout, having the other parts of the field in the layout stops the relate field from working.