Some info disappear from interface (but not DB)

Hi everyone,
I am facing a random and very strange problem.

sometimes, some information no longer appears in the interface, but are still present in the database. a few minutes later by refreshing the page, or sometimes by doing a quick repair, everything returns to normal ā€¦

this concerns for example, the field ā€œAssigned Toā€ in Calls, or UserName in the dashlet ā€œMy activity Streamā€

Have you ever seen this? where can the problem come from ?

Thank you very much

SuiteCrm Version 7.11.18

Do you have logic hooks or workflows on these records?

These could be changing things in the back-end, so they donā€™t become visible in the front-end until after the next refresh.

Nope. I have logic hooks on lead module (before saver and after save).

Iā€™ve just reproduce few seconds ago.
go to Calls list -> on some items , assignedTo field is empty,
check DB but everything seem ok
refresh list -> same problem
go to home
go to Leads List
go to Calls List -> everything is displayed correctly ā€¦

and now another refresh on Calls List -> assignedTo become empty again ā€¦

I going crazy with this, and my client also :frowning:

Try a few Repairs from Admin -> Repairs. Not just the QR&R, also anything related to Javascript.

Try a different browser.

Check both server logs (suitecrm.log + php_errors.log) and Browser developer console.

yes iā€™ve tried some repairs (QP&R , roles, js etc ) , after that it was correct, but problem appears again few minutes later. i canā€™t do repairs several times a day :frowning:

sometimes this appears on console when displaying Calls List

nothing in php-errors

suitecrm.log on Calls list refresh
Thu Mar 18 11:45:23 2021 [13285][1][DEPRECATED] Array

Thu Mar 18 11:45:23 2021 [13285][1][WARN] CSS File Dawn/yui.css not found
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][DEPRECATED] Using row number in fetchByAssoc is not portable and no longer supported. Please fix your code.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Trying to get property of non-object: list view data ā€œorder byā€ is not defined
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Trying to get property of non-object: list view data ā€œsort orderā€ is not defined
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][DEPRECATED] Using row number in fetchByAssoc is not portable and no longer supported. Please fix your code.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:24 2021 [13285][1][WARN] Undefined data index ID for list view data.
Thu Mar 18 11:45:27 2021 [13416][1][DEPRECATED] Array

same problem appears on other browser

I donā€™t see any clue that looks particularly promisingā€¦ Iā€™m not sure what you can do next. :man_shrugging:

In your opinion, what are the absolutely necessary elements to create with code a link between a Call and a User for assignment ?

in fact I have an after_save hook, which will define the assignment ($callBean-> assigned_user_id) according to the zip code of the Lead connected to the Call.
i also create a relation between Call and User with :

    $relate_values = array('user_id'=>$call->assigned_user_id,'call_id'=>$call->id);
    $data_values = array('accept_status'=>'none');
    $call->set_relationship($call->rel_users_table, $relate_values, true, true, $data_values);

In the database, the calls.assigned_user_id field is correct and corresponds to the correct user i want, but sometimes this link does not show up on the interface, and Assigne To is empty on list view or edit view. Maybe I forgot a link somewhere?

if not, is it possible that there is a mixture between the sessions (and therefore the rights) of the users ?

Check everything carefully in the database:

  • are the old relationships getting replaced by the new ones, or are they accumulating, so that one record actually has many relationship records for it?

  • could you be having problems due to overgrown tables and slow queries? Suppose that your hook sometimes takes a LONG time to finish. Would that possibly explain the erratic behaviours?

  • maybe itā€™s a caching problem. When you change the relationships in the hook, maybe the front-end is still using an old cached bean and doesnā€™t recognize the change until a bit later. Iā€™m not too sure how this works so youā€™ll have to Google aroundā€¦

thanks (again) , iā€™m googling since two days without any clue :frowning:

itā€™s a ā€œfreshā€ install with less than 100 Calls and Leads ā€¦

iā€™ll look better at ā€œoldā€ relationships. but i donā€™t think because my custom assignation code in hook is launched only on new records ā€¦

and[quote=ā€œpgr, post:10, topic:78941ā€]
are the old relationships getting replaced by the new ones, or are they accumulating, so that one record actually has many relationship records for it

what relationships are you talking about specifically?

for me there is :
calls->assigned_user_id = user->id
calls_users->call_id = call->id and calls_users->user_id = user->id

is there anything else to link a call to a user ?

Any reason why youā€™re using the API? Why not create the relationship normally with Beans?


No , itā€™s just that i didnā€™t found an another syntax with beans to make it done :-/

see here : How to add a calls_users with code

What about this advice?

i think this 500 error was my fault, iā€™ve tried to save a bean in an before_save hook so I think it was looping on itself
and i had nothing in php_errors

what drives me crazy is that I just dumped the beanā€™s data on edit view, and assigned_user_id value is the right one ā€¦ I donā€™t understand why (sometimes) it doesnā€™t load with Assigned To empty, and other times everything works fine

Capture dā€™eĢcran 2021-03-18 aĢ€ 15.19.25

If I were you, I would really go back to the Bean syntax. That API thing is much more complicated, you have to really understand every nuance of the relationship to get that right - and it seems youā€™re doing something wrong.

I left an answer on the other thread to give you another thing to try with the $bean->rel->add($relBean); syntax.

1 Like

yes iā€™ll try this.

But that did not explain why the assignedTo disappears and reappears without modifying anything ā€¦

In the sugarFeed dashlets, user name causes problem too, sometimes is displayed, sometimes not ā€¦ and it is synchronized with the problem on assignedTo, maybe a problem in the core at user restoring from DB

for example without touching anything except navigating between pages, AssignedTo appears and disappears ā€¦