Sales pipeline in v8

Can someone help me with the following:

  1. I am not able to find the “Convert Lead” Option once a new lead is created.
  2. In the “Add Conditions” for Workflows Subject option is not listed. Are we supposed to add it somewhere else in order for it to be displayed?
  3. Could anybody explain or share videos on how to create a proper sales pipeline (Lead->Contact->Account->Opportunity) in Suite CRM version 8.5?

Hello Manasa

usually, leads would be converted manually, like Paul showed.
I’ve done a few projects with conversion via workflows, but there had be some specific requirements.

For your 3rd question, check out this video, which gives a bit of an overview of the general concept:

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Thank you @pstevens for sharing this.

The “Conver Lead” option is not visible to me when I select the Action button.

Thank you @BastianHammer!!

That happens when the lead is already converted. There is an option in settings to allow re conversion of leads.