Reports View Broken in SuiteCRM 8

I think this is a bug, Iā€™d appreciate if someone can give a test in their install and Iā€™ll add it to Github.

Issue: When you create a report in the reports module in SuiteCRM 8 that is wider than the screen, you canā€™t horizontal scroll to the right in the browser and see the report with the bottom scroll bar (sorry I canā€™t add a screen shot as itā€™ live data).

In SuiteCRM 7 if you create a report wider than the screen you can horizontal scroll to the right and see the report.

This kind of is a problem as many reports often have more columns that fit on the screen.

Youā€™re correct! We cannot scroll if we have lots of columns. I tried it on demo instance 8.6.1

@rsp Thank you, Iā€™ll log it on Github

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Litterally just needs:

 .list-view-rounded-corners {
     overflow-x: scroll;

I just donā€™t know where to add CSS in SuiteCRM 8

Probably somewhere under


but it will require a front-end rebuild

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A post was split to a new topic: Sales pipeline in v8

I can find it here:

and here:

Iā€™ve done an R&R and it doesnā€™t affect the front end.

If I deltete the cache file, it still doesnā€™t get applied.

However if I edit the cache file directlyā€¦


The CSS is applied on the front end correctly.

If I delete the cache file, the value does not change even with my changes in the source file.

Hmm strangeā€¦ :thinking:

The Reports module is a legacy module?

When changing SCSS files you need to SASS-recompile the CSS, there are posts here in the forums documenting that.

But if this is v7 custom css you should be able to just add it under custom and it gets appended to the rest.

Something like this:

Thanks @rsp I tried that, but the issue is the actual cache file when deleted and re-created doesnā€™t include the CSS change, so the browser is not the issue.

I have tried everything possible from my end to make the ā€œCONVERT LEADā€ option visible in the create lead Dropdown. But despite numerous efforts and deployment it still does not display.
I also tried updating the current version of CRM from 8.5 to 8.6 still no success. Can anybody help me out here?

  • Is there any User role setting?
    Created a role and also assigned it to the security group that belongs to my User Account.
    Have enabled all the options. Is there a hidden feature ? I couldnt link the User role either. THe role is not being linked. Is there any hidden option in version 8.6.1?

Click on down arrow on the Roles subpanel. You will see Select option. Select it and choose role from the popup window.

@Manasa_PDS respectfully, please donā€™t hijack this thread, you already have another thread going on this topic and I have been helping you there.

Update: I found the right file:


If you change:
#detailpanel_report .list-view-rounded-corners{margin:0px}

to this:

#detailpanel_report .list-view-rounded-corners{margin:0px;overflow-x:scroll;}

Then do a R&R it works.

ā€¦ almostā€¦ in one installation it works. In another, it only works with developer mode on. So, thereā€™s still a cache file somewhere Iā€™m not getting. I wish there was some easy way to just flush out all the old CSS.