Good Day!
I am planning to add a auto populate dropdown list for City and Street. I will have 3 dropdown Country, City and Street. For example, If I choose a specific Country and the Cities on that country will be on City Dropdown List the result for the Street will be the same.
Any one can give me an advice how I am going to implement this one on SuiteCRM?
not sure if I get your question right, but maybe this post does help you:
or you use google maps or services like that, you can try that yourself or have a look in the store.
@diligent , hi sir thank you very much. its working now <3
@crmspace , hello sir. I tried to add the field using custom codes but it wasn`t working anymore. I created a custom code for the field because I added a duplicate checking validation.
array (
0 =>
array (
'name' => 'custom_province_c',
'label' => 'LBL_PROVINCE',
'customCode' => '{html_options name="custom_province_c" id="custom_province_c" options=$fields.custom_province_c.options selected=$fields.custom_province_c.value} <span id="error_province_msg"></span>',
1 =>
array (
'name' => 'custom_city_c',
'label' => 'LBL_CITY',
'customCode' => '{html_options name="custom_city_c" id="custom_city_c" options=$fields.custom_city_c.options selected=$fields.custom_city_c.value} <span id="error_city_msg"></span>',
2 =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'name' => 'custom_barangay_c',
'label' => 'LBL_BARANGAY',
'customCode' => '{html_options name="custom_barangay_c" id="custom_barangay_c" options=$fields.custom_barangay_c.options selected=$fields.custom_barangay_c.value} <span id="error_barangay_msg"></span>',