Make E-mail compose main text window size larger? đź–Ą

Hi guys

I always thought and annoyed me a bit over the E-mail compose windows size is quite small so you always have to drag it down a bit and make it a bit larger in height…


Is there a way to make it larger by default and which code element/file controls this?

Thanks in advance.
Kind regards


or maybe this:


        'description_html' => array(
            'name' => 'description_html',
            'type' => 'emailbody',
            'vname' => 'description_html',
            'source' => 'non-db',
            'inline_edit' => false,

That one seems to be for text fields in the “Studio” builder though.

Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll have look on the code.

Thanks @rsp.
I could increase the height of the editor by the following change.

  1. Created a file at custom/themes/SuiteP/css/Dawn/style.css
  2. Added the following css property as follows
.col-xs-12 .col-sm-8.edit-view-field textarea#description{
	height:320px !important;
  1. Quick repair and rebuild.
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Any success, did that code tweak work for you? :thinking: :smiley:

Kind regards

Yes it worked. Created the style.css file with the height property. Quick repair and rebuild. It shows the html editor with increased height.

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That’s awesome. @PowerQuest mark answer as solution so it will help others in the future.

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The above CSS will be applied to every description control. So the following CSS applies to just compose email page editor. It sets the default height of the editor.

#ComposeView * textarea#description{
	height:320px !important;
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Tested myself and indeed!
It works flawlessly. Thanks for sharing @Harshad ! :facepunch:
It is very appreciated.
I think many people here on the SuiteCRM forums will be very happy for this.

Kind regards