TextArea Size

We are

using version 7.10.2, the TextArea size has not been resolved since version 7.9, we have set the size for TexeArea Row:6, Column 80 but the size in the user page is half of the size, is there anything we can do to make it a correct size that we want?

Does this look the same in the live demo, or is it just a problem in your system?

Where exactly do you click to get to that screen, so I can have a look at it?

Hi pgr, thank you for your reply. The lve demo doesn’t has the admin access so I cannot add a TextArea file to any module, so I cannot if it will be look the same in the demo, but i install the latest version and the newly added Textarea does not display the correct size, it seems like the size is a standard which cannot be changed.

The picture shown is a custom module I have built through module builder.

Will you be able to check if your copy having the same issue when you added a testarea field to any module? Actually, this issue happened since version 7.9.


I am a bit overwhelmed with tasks at the moment, but if you want a demo with admin access you have this one, I use it all the time to check things


The textarea is still remaining the standard size with size rows 6 column 80 in the demo version as in the picture, I think it is a bug that very few notice.

You would have to look at the generated HTML and try to “work backwards” to try and figure out which files are generating it… but it might be a bit complicated.

The width of the textarea can be done via code injection to the respective textarea, this method has been used since year 2010, gosh 8 years and this issue (I wonder if this is an issue to Suitecrm), I wonder if there is a better way to solve this issue if this is an issue.

“0” style=“width:100%;”

That injection really sucks, we’ll have to remove that ASAP. :frowning:

Try going in this file


and perhaps creating a custom version of it.

The change you need to make is to add style attribute to this line near the end:

{{if !empty($displayParams.accesskey)}} accesskey='{{$displayParams.accesskey}}' {{/if}}  style="width:100%;">{$value}</textarea>

This is a hack, I am not sure what effects this will have, this is generic code for textareas in SuiteCRM, check all possible places where you remember they are used to see if they look right.


It is worrying to see how easy it is to inject code!!!

With this method I assume it would be easy to hack the whole system.

No, it’s CSS injection, not JavaScript injection - much less harmful.

And only possible from Studio, so only possible for SuiteCRM Admins who can ruin the system anyway.

I have already sent this to the security@suitecrm.com email just for caution. I don’t think it’s dangerous but I would like some security expert to look at it.

I have the same problem on SuiteP(7.11.13) theme.

I resolved this problem like below, so I hope this would be your help!

  1. add styles on custom/themes/SuiteP/css/Dawn/style.css file (also Day,Dusk,Night)
    (if you don’t have those directories and files, create them.)

    .col-xs-12 .col-sm-8.edit-view-field textarea#description {width:100%;}
    .col-xs-12 .col-sm-8.edit-view-field textarea{width:100%;}

  2. Admin, Repair, Quick Repair and Rebuild

  3. on editing a Opportunitie, press [F5] to refresh cash, then textarea will become wide.

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I’m having this problem in 7.11.15 can somebody help me out?
I can change the hight of the textarea but the with if fixed.