Make Accounts not a required entry in a new opportunity

While I have made accounts not a requirement in general, when we try to input a new opportunity, an account is required. I can’t figure out how to remove this as a requirement (it has a red * next to it). I figured it was in studio, but while I have found the fields there, the idea of it being required is not an option.

And while we’re at it - is there any way to add contacts to the field, so an opportunity can be related to a contact (especially a contact not associated with an account) ?

Hi there,

You would need to add a ‘relationship’ from opportunities to contacts(one to many or many to many).

In terms of making accounts non-required, see if this link helps.
this link helps.

Kind Regards,


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I have that line in config.php but NOT config_override.php - thanks, that worked!


The link is broken. Can you please post the content by any chance if you have it?

By default, Sugar requires the accounts field to be populated on several modules. These modules include


In order to remove this dependency, you will need to modify the require_accounts configuration in your ./config_override.php.

$sugar_config['require_accounts'] = false;

best regards


Is adding “$sugar_config[‘require_accounts’] = false;” to config_override.php still the solution? It doesn’t seem to do anything for me.

Yes it works! I’ve just tested on v 7.10.7. But watch out! You should add $sugar_config[‘require_accounts’] = false; and then Repair.

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I meant

$sugar_config['require_accounts'] = false;
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It seems to not work anymore with v7.11.2

Cant import opportunity Cause of this account_name fields :confused:

I tried the following steps and it worked:

  1. Add the following statement in the config_override.php file
$sugar_config['require_accounts'] = false;
  1. As an Admin run a Repair -> Quick repair

Great! It work :sunglasses:

This worked in terms of adding new Opportunities. However, I am still getting an “Account Name required” error when importing a csv.

Any ideas? TIA

Hi Will,
i want to remove required schedule Date & time from campaign module.
please help me.
Vishal Raj

Thanks a lot its working

Does this still work on version 8? Does anyone know?

Hello Elvis,

yes, indeed - it still works.
I’ve justed tested it on Suite 8.6.1.

Danke/Thank you for testing this out, this also helped me :slightly_smiling_face:

In case somebody is stumbling over the same case as mine:

I’m using the Bitnami Docker image. In this case, the file is located at:
<folder where docker-compose.yml is>/suitecrm_data/public/legacy/config_override.php

After “Rebuild and Repair” Account is not required anymore in Opportunities.

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