Remove Relation between cases & accounts

Hello All,

I want to remove the relation between Cases Module and Accounts Module.
The reason is if it is linked
Then in account detail view , Cases subpanel comes and when creating a case there is a field Accounts.
I think the only way to get rid of those two things i should remove relation between them.
But in Admin/Studio there is no way to remove relation.
Please tell me is there any other way to remove this relation ?

Please help
Thanks in Advance


You should not remove the core relationship between Accounts and cases. Instead, you should hide it from the display.

  1. Hide subpanel of Cases under accounts
    Create a file at



Do quick repair & rebuild. It will hide the subpanel under the Accounts module.
2) Now remove the account field from the case creation view from the studio.
By default in SuiteCRM, you will have require field in Opportunities, Cases.
You can set not required Accounts field, Follow this thread: Make Accounts not a required entry in a new opportunity

Thanks & Regards,
Team Urdhva Tech

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Thank you. I think you are right i should hide rather than to delete it.
Thanks again for you precious time.