LDAP - invalid credentials”


During the connection with the configured LDAP, I have this message “invalid credentials” which appears.
Would you know where this error could come from?
Thank you for your help


Here is what the logs tell me:

[LDAP ERROR][49]Invalid credentials
Wed Jan 19 15:30:19 2022 [22793][-none-][FATAL] SECURITY: ldapauth: failed LDAP bind (login) by user1, could not construct bind_user
Wed Jan 19 15:30:19 2022 [22793][-none-][FATAL] SECURITY: User authentication for user1 failed
Wed Jan 19 15:30:19 2022 [22793][-none-][FATAL] SECURITY: User authentication for user1 failed
Wed Jan 19 15:30:19 2022 [22793][-none-][FATAL] FAILED LOGIN:attempts[1], ip[xxxxxxx], username[user1]

thank you for your help :pray:

This error message comes when your LDAP Connection is failed which you’re trying to connect using the LDAP Credentials.
Can you please check your LDAP Credentials correct or not.

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thank you it was the password that was not good

Let me know if you need ant other help with anything.

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Hi @jessica1 , I just wanted to ask: is this in the Authentication Problem at the LDAP configuration or the credentials of the LDAP user that I want to login to in SuiteCRM??

Check full information on this: LDAP - Invalid credentials