Joomla Help - SuiteCRM Joomla Portal 2.0.3 for Joomla


Need help with setting up Joomla portal for the SuiteCRM,

I have downloaded Joomla! 3.10.12 version and install on machine 1 with PHP 8.2

Then, installed the SuiteCRM Joomla Portal 2.0.3 for Joomla! 3 on the Joomla.

Then when I click on Components → Advanced OpenPortal in the Joomla. I am getting page with 500 error.

What I am doing wrong?

What are next steps for SuiteCRM 7.13 and it is running on PHP 7.4

Please guide!

There’s a whole bunch of unapplied bug fixes on Github. It won’t work unless these are applied. After these fixes is works pretty well.

I’d do a video on it, but the Joomla version this works on is depricated. I tried to make it work with the new version of Joomla, but I’m not super familiar with Joomla, and if I was going to put in the time to make it work, I’d rather a WordPress version!

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Thank you so much. I need to find those fixes on SuiteCRM GitHub. I will check all those code fixes. Are those fixes here? - Pull requests · salesagility/SuiteCRM-Portal-Joomla · GitHub

Thank you for sharing a link.

Let me know when you plan to create a WordPress custom portal plugin. I want to learn and contribute to its development.

@pstevens Do we need the SSL certificate for the Joomla website, if we want to share links with clients to create a case?

We’ll after 5 hours, I’ve been able to achieve creating a plugin, an admin page, accepting and saving the V8 Api login credentials. Tesing the login credentials, and fetching a list of cases to display by shortcode in a WP page. Still got a long way to go, but the rest should be easier. The SuiteCRM v8 documentation is super confusing, but I got it to work!

I still have to handle the security and user stuff, plus the case updates from the user. Most of that is WP stuff which I know already how to do.

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That’s so awesome! Are you planning to make a plug-in for the SuiteCRM 7.x versions?

At the moment just trying to make it work. It should work for v8 too. Not sure what Im going to do with it when Im done. Haven’t really thought about it. Just trying to learn more about how the apis work.

Okay! back to my original question.

I applied these two changes:

  1. Change redirection after case update by eojedapilchik · Pull Request #39 · salesagility/SuiteCRM-Portal-Joomla · GitHub
  2. Add language string for Failed to Connect error. Fixes #12. by chris001 · Pull Request #24 · salesagility/SuiteCRM-Portal-Joomla · GitHub

This was already in code:

  1. Update SugarCase.php by pgorod · Pull Request #32 · salesagility/SuiteCRM-Portal-Joomla · GitHub

We went to Extension->Manage->Install and re-installed the plugin into the Joomla. But, still when I go to Components->AdvanceOpenPortal, we get 500 error.

What are we missing here?

Whats the 500 error?

Also does it work on version 3 of Joomla?

on screen:

This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.


Yes, Joomla! 3.10.12 version.

Yeah, but what’s the error?

I don’t see any error. I enabled as stated below too:

To check the Joomla error log, navigate to your Joomla backend, go to Global Configuration, then select the System tab and enable the Debug System option; this will display the error log at the bottom of each page on your site, allowing you to view the log information directly within the Joomla interface.

If you have a 500 error, you will have a fatal error message in your server logs. This is critical to solve this problem.

Okay, I am trying to find server logs. Do you know where it located in the server?

it will be above the Public_HTML folder on your server in /logs/ each domain/subdomain will have it’s own PHP log.

Or in your PHP options you can turn on “display errors” and you should be able to see in the browser the exact 500 error.

It’s impossible to diagnose the issue with out this error.

Yeah, I set server error reporting to Maximum and got the below fatal error on the screen.

Fatal error : Declaration of AdvancedOpenPortalController::display($cachable = false) must be compatible with Joomla\CMS\MVC\Controller\BaseController::display($cachable = false, $urlparams = ) in /path/to/your/joomla/administrator/components/com_advancedopenportal/controller.php on line 18

Is anyone using Joomla 3.x for custom portal?