Import Customizations Not Working SuiteCRM 8

So I have need to move customizations over from Production over Dev. I’ve done it a million times in SuiteCRM 7 where I export the customizations in Studio and then Import them to the other install, repair and rebuild and my fields and layouts come over.

In SuiteCRM 8 I can create the export file no problem, I looked in the file and it contains all the vardefs, language files and metadat (great!). When I import, it proceeds without error. I look in the custom folder and it has copied it all over, but none of these customizations are available in studio or on the front end?

Anyone done an import/export on SuiteCRM 8 and have any tips? Or is this a bug? I see a bunch of other similar posts to this with no answers.

You may need to clear symfony cache by running this command on your SuiteCRM 8 instance root:

bin/console cache:clear

thanks @rsp just tried that. No luck.

Hello Paul,

seems like a bug to me.

Export & Import are working here as well.
The label of the field is displayed, but not the field itself.

The generated HTML is missing the input field in my instance:

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Sorry for the very basic suggestion, but did you guys do a Quick Repair and Rebuild, including running any suggested queries?

And perhaps some of the other rebuilds.

A final idea is to rebuild the entire Angular front end. I don’t know if that depends on some way on the metadata and vardefs, but maybe it does…

Yeah, maybe rebuild relationship!

How can we do that?

Thanks @pgr. I did an R&R and did all the JS rebuild stuff. I can see in the directory all the vardefs came over and all the metadata and language files.

If I just copied this over to a SuiteCRM 7 install and did an R&R, it would sync the DB with the vardefs and all would be good.

So I’m thinking there is a larger problem here in SuiteCRM 8 that the R&R is NOT actually syncing the DB with the vardefs as it should.

I also did a php bin/console cache:clear and still no luck.

If there is something else that needs to be done to get this to show up in Studio and on the front end, then I would think whatever else that is should be executed as part of the R&R, if this is supposed to work.

I’m going to double checkt he DB and see if it created the fields in the DB even.

OK I checked the DB, the project_cstm table does not contain the new fields. However, the vardefs are all there in /custom/

So the vardefs are not being sync’d with the DB. So I don’t think its and angular thing.

The have been copied to:


I can also see them here:


But not in DB, and not in Studio.

Leads me to believe the R&R is not working properly in SuiteCRM 8 to sync the vardefs with the DB.

Yeah looks like it is not working. Try legacy mode routing once.

This is not a module issue, repair and rebuild has no legacy mode. Projects are already a legacy module.

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Yeah this is likely a bug in the decision that the QR&R makes to determine if the vardefs are synced…

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