Image versus Photo field?

I came across two picture-related field types and wondering why there are two picture-related field types available.
From Studio I can see there are some differences in settings, etc…

  1. Does anybody know why there two (similar) picture field types?
  2. Is one more suitable for certain modules than the other?
  3. Any pitfalls or best practices to keep in mind?

thanks in advance


Are there really two fields? Isn’t this just a matter of names? I believe Studio calls it an “Image” type, but the existing fields in the database (for example, in Contacts) are called “photo”. But I think it’s only one kind of thing.

I’m pretty sure they are two different fields.
For example Studio/Organisations/add new field. In the dropdown box I see both ‘Image’ and ‘Photo’ as a choice.
Each having slightly different parameter settings

I don’t think there is any “Organizations” module. Maybe you are looking at a custom module? With custom fields…?

Or this might be just a translation issue. Please check this live demo and tell me where you can find the two image types there:

Sorry my (translation) mistake. I meant of course the Accounts module.

Nevertheless I went into your suggested online demo and checked various modules/tables. And indeed there I find only the ‘image’ field, not the ‘photo’ field.
Which tells me a lot. We are using a local partner of SuiteCRM who has localized the offering. Somehow/somewhere this extra field was created.

I will redirect my questions to them. And I will stay away from this deviant ‘photo’ field as it is not part of standard SuiteCRM

thanks for your help!

Remember a field type is not the same thing as a field name. Some “photo” fields are default, and are of type “image”.

If it helps, you can check the database via phpMyAdmin.

Fields in “contacts” table, for example, are default fields. There is a field called “photo” there.

Then if you look in “contacts_cstm” you see the fields created in Studio or added by custom code.

(it is possible to add custom fields directly in the main table, but it is not usual).


This photo field type most probably comes from an external module that has been available at SugarOutfitters for a long time and was working on SugarCRM CE.
A little more flexible than the image type field with the capability to display these images in List View.

I think the stock Photo field has improved and I know for sure it can now be used on List views.

I don’t see much reason to use the add-on these days. It does allow for some control over image sizes, but I can do it with very simple CSS with the photo field.

Benoit, while you’re here, does QuickCRM work with both kinds of image fields? I know in the Pro version you can take pictures of people on your mobile and they get added to Contacts, right? (cool feature!)

Yes QuickCRM Full supports both types (there are still users of Sugar CE).


Benoit, is there a setting to change the size with which photos are displayed inside QuickCRM? Thanks!

Hi pqr,

Did you define width and/or height in the field definition of Studio?
If you did, we display the image with that width and height, but with a max-width depending on the device


Just in case you didn’t notice, clicking on the image shows the image full screen.


Thanks. You’re right, it is using the dimensions I gave in Studio (160x160).

This is the HTML that QuickCRM renders:

<div class="ImageDisplay" id="LeadsphotoPV0">
    <input id="LeadsphotoHD" value="1" type="hidden">
    <img type="image/png" style="max-width:160px;height=160px" src=" ...  ipQH//2Q%3D%3D">

But while I think 160x160px is fine for the Desktop detail view, it is too big for the small screen, especially on List Views.

Now that I think of it, on the List views of Desktop I also use a customization to reduce image height to 50px, I would like to achieve something similar on mobile. But maybe it’s not possible…

You are right, that’s too big on list view.
We will introduce new settings for that in next version.

Great to hear that, thanks!

While we are having this conversation, let me bother you with just one more question (it’s the last one, I promise!).

On your feature comparison list, one of the features is “Copy SugarCRM contacts to device Address Book”. I have looked all over the app and I can’t find where/how to achieve this.

(Ideally, I would like to be able to copy ALL mobile numbers from Leads into mobile’s address book. But I don’t expect this to be possible - it would be good enough to be able to do it one by one).

Hi again,

First of all, we respect SuiteCRM access rights, so if a user does not have export access, the button or menu is not displayed.
Then, we look into the device address book and if we find that contact, this function is hidden too.

Ok, got it - the Contact I was using for my tests already existed in the Address book, so QuickCRM wasn’t showing the option. Now I can see it, when I try with a Contact that is not in my Address book. Cool. B-)

So I conclude the option doesn’t exist for Leads, because in that case it doesn’t ever show. My user is admin, and I checked I have export rights.

It is not available by default on Leads (maybe that was not a good idea).
I’ll check how you can enable that and get back to you.

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Can you add
QCRM.LeadsFromAddressBook = true;
to your custom.js?

I think we will change the default value in next version.

I added that to custom.js and now I can create Leads from my Address Book; but what I needed was the other way around - creating entries in my Address book from Leads’ records…