How to enable TinyMCE in Case resolution field?

Iā€™m tinkering with SuiteCRM 7.12.5 and Iā€™m trying to enable TinyMCE in Case resolution field, so the resolution can be edited in WYSIWYG way but Iā€™m unable to do it in upgrade-safe way.

When I edit directly /modules/Cases/vardefs.php and add

'editor' => 'html';

for the resolution field array, TinyMCE gets enabled in case resolution field.

Iā€™ve tried extending resolution field through /custom/modules/Cases/Ext/Vardefs but it doesnā€™t seem to be picked up. Iā€™ve tried creating custom php file (resolution_editor.php) and adding the line to the vardefs.ext.php but none seemed to work.
The line in the php file, as far as I understand, should look like this:


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been adding but with no effect. Have I been doing something wrong?

Hey @Dermi,

Was playing with this issue this morning, though via the front end at the bottom of profile where there is a dropdown allowing you to chose between direct HTML, TinyMCE and Mozark however it never seems to change from TinyMCE.

Iā€™ll look at confirming this issue, raising a bug if needed and will link here :+1:

That profile option only affects the Email Templates module. It really should affect other places, most notably the Email Compose screen, but it doesnā€™t (I had to add that to my Power Replacer add-on, so I could have pure Direct HTML editing in the compose screen).

I wouldnā€™t spend to much time on this in 7.12, since it is already much better in v8ā€¦

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Well that explains a lot xD Thanks for letting me know!

@Mac-Rae Thanks. Itā€™s not that I canā€™t change to TinyMCE in case resolution description. by default itā€™s a simple plain text field and Iā€™m trying to enable HTML editor in there in a upgrade-safe way :slight_smile:

I tried playing with v8 but first I couldnā€™t get it to install in CentOS and finally managed to get it up and running using Ubuntu Server. And when I finally managed to get it to work it turned out I had a problem with dynamic dropdown lists which werenā€™t working properly (at least in 8.0.4). Maybe Iā€™ll give it another try, as Iā€™m still just trying to see if Iā€™ll be able to tailor it to my companyā€™s needs.

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You should create a file containing


in custom/Extension/modules/Cases/Ext/Vardefs
Then, run Repair / Quick Repair.

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@blqt OK, Iā€™ll try it tomorrow. I see you suggest to create file inside custom/Extension/modules/Cases, while Iā€™ve been adding it to /custom/modules/Cases. Maybe thatā€™s the reason it didnā€™t work. Iā€™ll see and let you know.

EDIT: Thanks, it worked! I knew I were doing something worng, it turned out the file needed to be placed in /custom/Extension/modules, like you said, not in /custom/modules/, where Iā€™ve been putting it.

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