How to add TinyMCE (WYSIWYG) to the quick create form (subpanel)?

Hi, I can easily add the editor in the detail edit form as described here.

But how do I add the editor in the subpanel (Quick create),? For example for the “description” field of the module “Task”

Thank you!

In SuiteCRM, if you want some modification on default task module field WYSIWNG then follow below code.

File Path: custom/Extension/modules/Tasks/Ext/Vardefs/_override_sugarfield_description.php

Update below code in _override_sugarfield_description.php file

After adding above code in _override_sugarfield_description.php file, Do Quick Repair and Rebuild from the Administration page.

Now create task sub panel record and check the WYSIWYG field.

Appreciate your detailed answer. This works for the edit form but unfortunately the WYSIWYG editor doesnt show up in the “quick create form” (subpanel)


Sorry, The last screenshot is of ‘subpanel’ of ‘detailview’ form.

@Cino @p.konetskiy

Are you able to solve this issue?

We have SuiteCRM 7.13

No, never solved it! Did anyone get it to work? Thanks!

This works no problem, just create the field in studio, add it to the quick quick create layout in studio.