How to create custom views in 8 like in 7.12.*

Greetings everyone. Did anyone tried to create custom views for module? I’ve already created view.edit,view.details on suite crm 7 with injected js like a string. But now it not works? Should I write Angular component somehow? Because my migrated view.edit.php doesn’t work at all now, it can’t even echo my js script to work on page, because there is no documentation now, but I need to test customizations migrating on test crm to migrate another big system which is used about 4000 users everyday… Everyone wants a new UI =(

Any help will be appreciated!!

Hi @Dandillo , I raised this issue here before. Some of your customizations in v7 will not work in SuiteCRM v8.

So we should only wait?

@Dandillo ,yes. You can upgrade your SuiteCRM to 7.13 instead of v8.0

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