Customization in SuiteCRM 7 is not working in SuiteCRM 8

Hello Everyone,

I customize my address field using select2 js/Ajax. Now my select 2 JS/Ajax is not working anymore on SuiteCRM 8.

In SuiteCRM 7

In SuiteCRM 8

How did I implement on Suite 7!
First, I extends Account Edit View by adding view.edit.php in custom/modules/Accounts/views/


require_once 'modules/Accounts/views/view.edit.php';

class CustomAccountsViewEdit extends AccountsViewEdit
    public function display()

        parent::display(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub


     * Assign Variables and Display TPLs
     * */
    protected function assignVariables()

Second, I created a custom tpl in custom/modules/Accounts/tpls/Address.tpl

<link rel="stylesheet" href="custom/include/javascript/select2/dist/css/select2.min.css" type="text/css">
<script src="custom/include/javascript/select2/dist/js/select2.min.js"></script>
    var locationViewEdit = {
        init: function () {
        attachEvents: function () {
            $(document).on('select2:open', () => {

            $(document).on("change", "#shipping_address_state", function () {


            $(document).on("change", "#billing_address_state", function () {


            $(document).on("change", "#shipping_address_city", function () {


            $(document).on("change", "#billing_address_city", function () {

            $(document).on("change", "#shipping_address_barangay", function () {

            YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("same_as_business_address", "change", locationViewEdit.readOnlyFields);
            YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("shipping_address_country", "change", locationViewEdit.copyAddress);
            YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("shipping_address_postalcode", "change", locationViewEdit.copyAddress);
            YAHOO.util.Event.addListener("shipping_address_street", "change", locationViewEdit.copyAddress);
        * Make fields readonly
        * */
        readOnlyFields: function () {
            if ($('#same_as_business_address:checked').length) {
                $("#billing_address_street").attr({readonly: true});
                $("#billing_address_city").attr({readonly: true, disabled: true});
                $("#billing_address_state").attr({readonly: true, disabled: true});
                $("#billing_address_barangay").attr({readonly: true, disabled: true});
                $("#billing_address_postalcode").attr({readonly: true});
                $("#billing_address_country").attr({readonly: true});
            } else {
        * Copy Business Address to Billing Address
        * */
        copyAddress: function () {
            if (!$('#same_as_business_address:checked').length) return;

            $(['street', 'state', 'city', 'barangay', 'postalcode', 'country']).each(function (i, field) {
                var value = $('#shipping_address_' + field).val();
                value = value || '';
                if (['state', 'city', 'barangay'].indexOf(field) > -1) {
                    $('#billing_address_' + field).val(value).trigger('change').html('<option value="' + value + '">' + value + '</option>');
                } else {
                    $('#billing_address_' + field).val(value);
        initSelect2: function () {
            // PROVINCE
            $('#billing_address_state').replaceWith('<select name="billing_address_state" id="billing_address_state"><option value="' + $('#billing_address_state').val() + '">' + $('#billing_address_state').val() + '</option></select>');
                placeholder: 'Province',
                allowClear: true,
                width: '90%',
                ajax: {
                    url: "index.php?entryPoint=addressDirectoryEntryPoint&type=province",
                    type: 'POST',
                    dataType: 'json',
                    delay: 250,
                    data: function (params) {
                        return {
                            term: params.term,

            $('#shipping_address_state').replaceWith('<select name="shipping_address_state" id="shipping_address_state"><option value="' + $('#shipping_address_state').val() + '">' + $('#shipping_address_state').val() + '</option></select>');
                placeholder: 'Province',
                allowClear: true,
                width: '90%',
                ajax: {
                    url: "index.php?entryPoint=addressDirectoryEntryPoint&type=province",
                    type: 'POST',
                    dataType: 'json',
                    delay: 250,
                    data: function (params) {
                        return {
                            term: params.term,

            // CITY
            $('#billing_address_city').replaceWith('<select name="billing_address_city" id="billing_address_city"><option value="' + $('#billing_address_city').val() + '">' + $('#billing_address_city').val() + '</option></select>');
                placeholder: 'City',
                allowClear: true,
                width: '90%',
                ajax: {
                    url: "index.php?entryPoint=addressDirectoryEntryPoint&type=city",
                    type: 'POST',
                    dataType: 'json',
                    delay: 250,
                    data: function (params) {
                        return {
                            province: $('#billing_address_state').val(),
                            term: params.term,

            $('#shipping_address_city').replaceWith('<select name="shipping_address_city" id="shipping_address_city"><option value="' + $('#shipping_address_city').val() + '">' + $('#shipping_address_city').val() + '</option></select>');
                placeholder: 'City',
                allowClear: true,
                width: '90%',
                ajax: {
                    url: "index.php?entryPoint=addressDirectoryEntryPoint&type=city",
                    type: 'POST',
                    dataType: 'json',
                    delay: 250,
                    data: function (params) {
                        return {
                            province: $('#shipping_address_state').val(),
                            term: params.term,

            // BARANGAY
            $('#billing_address_barangay').replaceWith('<select name="billing_address_barangay" id="billing_address_barangay"><option value="' + $('#billing_address_barangay').val() + '">' + $('#billing_address_barangay').val() + '</option></select>');
                placeholder: 'Barangay',
                allowClear: true,
                width: '90%',
                ajax: {
                    url: "index.php?entryPoint=addressDirectoryEntryPoint&type=barangay",
                    type: 'POST',
                    dataType: 'json',
                    delay: 250,
                    data: function (params) {
                        return {
                            province: $('#billing_address_state').val(),
                            city: $('#billing_address_city').val(),
                            term: params.term,

            $('#shipping_address_barangay').replaceWith('<select name="shipping_address_barangay" id="shipping_address_barangay"><option value="' + $('#shipping_address_barangay').val() + '">' + $('#shipping_address_barangay').val() + '</option></select>');
                placeholder: 'Barangay',
                allowClear: true,
                width: '90%',
                ajax: {
                    url: "index.php?entryPoint=addressDirectoryEntryPoint&type=barangay",
                    type: 'POST',
                    dataType: 'json',
                    delay: 250,
                    data: function (params) {
                        return {
                            province: $('#shipping_address_state').val(),
                            city: $('#shipping_address_city').val(),
                            term: params.term,

    .select2-selection {
        -webkit-box-shadow: 0;
        box-shadow: 0;
        background-color: #fff;
        border: 0;
        border-radius: 0;
        color: #555555;
        font-size: 14px;
        outline: 0;
        min-height: 38px;
        text-align: left;

    .select2-selection__rendered {
        margin: 4px;

    .select2-selection__arrow {
        margin: 4px;


Last, copy the select2 js files to my custom/includes folder

I hope someone can help me. I’ve been reading the documentation for Suite CRM 8 customization but still This page is under construction..

You can’t use code for the old “legacy” views on the new views.

Hi @pgr , What do you mean by “You can’t use code for the old “legacy” views on the new view”? You mean my old custom views in Suite CRM 7 are not compatible with Suite 8?

Yes, it’s an entirely different UI based on Angular.

You can still re-enable legacy views module by module. Search these forums for


Hi @pgr , Thank you for your quick response; I will check this tomorrow. By the way, I have another question: if the old views customization will not work on Suite 8, then how are we going to extend our custom view in v8 since I couldn`t find any guide on how to implement it?

My advice is to stay in v7 until there is documentation on this, and you have all your customizations properly migrated.

@pgr do you think it is necessary to rebuild js if we change this module_routing.yaml?

because I changed for the contact form, but nothing changed.

More info here:

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