How to change order of subpanels on a detail view of module

Hello All,

I’m trying to arrange order of subpanels coming in the detail view of accounts module.

Please check the screen shot below of what i have right now.

I want those subpanels to come in the order below
Contacts , Orders , Opportunity , Attachment , Activities, History

I have checked in the admin/studio but didn’t find any way to give order.

Please help me
Thanks in advance

Hi @mrabd423,

Can you confirm what version of SuiteCRM you are using?

In newer version in know you can from the detail view just drag and drop to rearrange, this is done to allow users to customise there own to the preferences. I assume that globally this could be handled via the vardefs.php however ive not checked that.

Hi Thank you for reply.

I’m using

Version 7.9.9

Thanks for letting me know,
Can you confirm if the drag and drop feature worked?

But where is that feature ?
In admin area or some where else ?
I’m still finding it.
Can you help me?

Starting with any user, from the home page of the CRM open the module in which you want to edit, open any record, scroll to the sub-panels and drag the header of the sub-panel so its on the opposite side of the next sub-panel. They should swap positions. Let me know if this works

Hi i checked it.

I’m trying to move those subpanels to left or right but it’s not working.

Do you know the reason why it is not working ?

Thanks in advance.

Chances are the system is too outdated and this functionally wasn’t included at the time. You are currently using Version 7.9.9 which is already in EOL, I would definitively suggest upgrading to at least 7.10 in the near future. @pgr any idea’s on making this chance via the vardefs?

In the metadata/subpaneldefs.php you have an array with the subpanel definitions. This array has a ‘order’ that you can check and change to the desired order…
You can change this in a custom file ( custom/modules/<desired_module>/metadata/subpaneldefs.php or via the Extension framework: drop a file in custom/Extension/modules/<desired_module>/Ext/Layoutdefs/ with some content like:

$layout_defs[<desired_module>]['subpanel_setup'][<subpanel_name>]['order'] = <some_number>

Then, do a QR&R and you should have the subpanels in desired order…

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Appreciate it, couldn’t remember for the life of me how to do that for the life of me! :+1:

Takes down the bat signal - @pgr if this works i don’t believe you assistance is still required :laughing:

It seems this user has some option (nothing I knew of!) to show the subpanels as tabs instead of vertically.

One thing that might work is: remove that option to see the subpanels as normal; then drag to re-order; then put the option back to show as panels.

Other than that, editing the defs like suggested should work.


You are right it works if we give order in subpanelsdefs array.

But it will be difficult to manage if we do it via code. Because there are many people who will be using this CRM and all of them will have their own way to order their subpanels.

Thank you for your help.
Do you think if i upgrade version of my SuiteCRM it will work with drag and drop ?

Hi pgr
Thank you for your reply.

I changed my theme to default one and then tried but still not able to drag and drop.

This is the screen coming after turning on the default suitecrm theme.

Hi @mrabd423,

Ye i believe it would be in yours and your company’s best interested in upgrading to like i said before at least 7.10 latest as this not only includes the drag and drop feature along with many others but includes numerous important security fixes, always nice to have!

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Also, have a look at the live demo to get a sense of how it looks, and how it works: (user: will, pass: will)

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I am running 7.12 and drag and drop doesn’t want to work, is there anything that could be blocking it?