How to change drop down list to multiple select?

Hello everybody,

I have a task to change one drop down list to multiple select (in Clients -> Customers module). I’ve found on Studio Module builder all the fields and its’ types, but I don’t have possibility to change the type of each field (I can only change the list of it’s values).

I have Suite CRM v.7.10.5
Sugar v.6.5.25 (build 344)

In Admin / Dropdown editor you change the lists.

In Admin / Studio / [module] / Fields you can add a field and choose field type, namely “Multiselect”. Don’t forget to add the new field to at least one of the views (Edit view, Detail view, List view) afterwards.

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To make the dropdown list to multi-select, You need to go to vardef file.

Change type from

type=>'enum' to type=>'multienum'

and repair and rebuild.


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