ACL Role Selector Popup Select Multiple

How can i change the Behavior in Popup-Window to allow to select multiple entries?

case: as Admin-User in DetailView of a User-Entry i want to select multiple Roles to assign instead of just one.

currently the popup opens this URL:


how to change this to pass mode=MultiSelect?


Not sure if you can do that. There is an entire process behind the selection.

Now. Regarding the standard dropdown fields, there is a trick to convert them to multiselect.

i do not mean a field in Edit-View, i meant the Popup that opens in Users DetailView when assigning ACL Roles to a User. if mode=MultiSelect is passed in URL, a Checkbox bevor each ACL-Role Line is visible and so i can assign multiple Roles at once. Currently i have to reopen the popup to assigne multiple ACL-Roles at once

The real issue is if you’re going to break the whole (complex) permissions system if you let the UI produce that result.

If I were you, I would try to find out in the database where that User-Role relationship is established, and I would try adding the second Role there, and check the sanity of the entire system. Only then would I try to jam that option through the UI…