Getting error on install

So, did you already create this suitecrm-user on mysql? Can you run mysql -usuitecrmuser -p and successfully open a session?
And I assume your webserver and mysql instance are running on the same machine?

If you want to restart the installation process (which I recommend - clear any existing databases and start again, letting the installer create the database), then you should

  1. Go in your config.php and change 'installer_locked' => true, back to 'installer_locked' => false,

  2. Visit install.php in your browser again

ok i think i am close as that was my next step - ty so much for the help

yes and yes root@dellcrm:~# mysql -usuitecrmuser -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 57
Server version: 10.1.44-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 Ubuntu 18.04

Copyright © 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]>

now i am getting this :: XML Parsing

Functions associated with XML Parser Libraries that are needed by the SuiteCRM application were not found. You might need to uncomment the extension in the php.ini file, or recompile with the right binary file, depending on your version of PHP. Please refer to your PHP Manual for more information.

ZIP Handling Module

ZIP support not found: SuiteCRM needs ZIP support in order to process compressed files.

Location of your PHP configuration file (php.ini):

this is (somehow) mentioned on the install manual page too. Basically you need to either activate or install the missing php module.

you are right XML Parsing

i even added XML parshing package and still get XML Parsing

Functions associated with XML Parser Libraries that are needed by the SuiteCRM application were not found. You might need to uncomment the extension in the php.ini file, or recompile with the right binary file, depending on your version of PHP. Please refer to your PHP Manual for more information.

ZIP Handling Module

ZIP support not found: SuiteCRM needs ZIP support in order to process compressed files.

Location of your PHP configuration file (php.ini):

hi i even added XML parshing package and still get XML Parsing

Functions associated with XML Parser Libraries that are needed by the SuiteCRM application were not found. You might need to uncomment the extension in the php.ini file, or recompile with the right binary file, depending on your version of PHP. Please refer to your PHP Manual for more information.

ZIP Handling Module

ZIP support not found: SuiteCRM needs ZIP support in order to process compressed files.

Location of your PHP configuration file (php.ini):

You should enable the zip handling too.

this guys got exact same errors Installation & Upgrade Help

  • 43

Functions associated with XML Parser Libraries that are needed by SuiteCRM application were not found in Ubuntu 14.04 while installing SuiteCRM 7.9.12

SuiteCRM Forum - English LanguageInstallation & Upgrade Help

Feb 2018

1 / 2

Feb 2018

Jun 2018


Feb '18

While installation of SuiteCRM 7.9.12 in Ubuntu 14.04 i am getting following errors :

XML Parsing

Functions associated with XML Parser Libraries that are needed by the SuiteCRM application were not found. You might need to uncomment the extension in the php.ini file, or recompile with the right binary file, depending on your version of PHP. Please refer to your PHP Manual for more information.

ZIP Handling Module

ZIP support not found: SuiteCRM needs ZIP support in order to process compressed files.

My PHP version is 5.6. Waht should be done ?


  • created

Feb '18

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last reply

](Functions associated with XML Parser Libraries that are needed by SuiteCRM application were not found in Ubuntu 14.04 while installing SuiteCRM 7.9.12)

Jun '18

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  • 842


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Jun '18

sudo apt-get install php-xml
service apache2 restart

i solved xml thing with this
sudo apt install php7.2 libapache2-mod-php7.2 php7.2-common php7.2-mysql php7.2-gmp php7.2-curl php7.2-intl php7.2-mbstring php7.2-xmlrpc php7.2-gd php7.2-bcmath php7.2-imap php7.2-xml php7.2-cli php7.2-zip

now i am getting this again [17877][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to DB server localhost as suitecrmuser. port 80: Access denied for user ‘suitecrmuser’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES)

this fixed it i am in haha
Hi seci,

You should be able to update the password in the CRM by opening the file called “config.php”

In this file there will be an array called dbconfig that looks like:

'dbconfig' => 
  array (
    'db_host_name' => '',
    'db_host_instance' => '',
    'db_user_name' => '',
    'db_password' => '',
    'db_name' => '',
    'db_type' => '',
    'db_port' => '',
    'db_manager' => '',

Update the details here where necessary and save the file.
Then, run a quick repair & Rebuild in the CRM. (Found in Admin > Repair)

1 Reply




Jan '16

The password is stored in config.php. If you open that file in a text editor and search for db_password you should see the line you need to change.

!!problem solved this fixed it

Hi seci,

You should be able to update the password in the CRM by opening the file called “config.php”

In this file there will be an array called dbconfig that looks like:

'dbconfig' => 
  array (
    'db_host_name' => '',
    'db_host_instance' => '',
    'db_user_name' => '',
    'db_password' => '',
    'db_name' => '',
    'db_type' => '',
    'db_port' => '',
    'db_manager' => '',

Update the details here where necessary and save the file.
Then, run a quick repair & Rebuild in the CRM. (Found in Admin > Repair)

1 Reply




Jan '16

The password is stored in config.php. If you open that file in a text editor and search for db_password you should see the line you need to change.

im in that was easy :slight_smile:

im in that was easy :slight_smile: haha

im in that was easy :slight_smile: hehe

@russellwilmarth I’m getting a lot of spam from this thread. Repeated posts etc. Everybody that posts on a thread is automatically subscribed to it, and gets an email every time there is an update. so it’s not really necessary to make all these posts.

And for us moderators it helps if we can keep the traffic within reasonable limits. Thanks :+1: