Getting error 500 when I try to print to PDF

I am getting error 500 when I try to:

  • Print PDF
  • Email PDF
  • Email Quotation

The url I am getting the error is: index.php?entryPoint=generatePdf

I have checked if I have fileinfo extension enabled in PHP

I am running the Suite on php 7.2 by forcing it in the .htaccess with this

<FilesMatch "\.(php4|php5|php3|php2|php|phtml)$">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php72-lsphp

The actual PHP version of the CPanel is 5.6

Also checked if there are single quotes on this line:

$focus->field_defs[$name]['dbType'] == 'datetime' &&

in this file /modules/AOS_PDF_Templates/templateParser.php

This is the debug log when I try to run it

Sat Sep 14 14:21:41 2019 [47481][1][DEBUG] Hook called: Configurator::after_ui_frame
Sat Sep 14 14:21:41 2019 [47481][1][DEBUG] Creating new instance of hook class hooks without parameters
Sat Sep 14 14:21:41 2019 [47481][1][DEBUG] Creating new instance of hook class AssignGroups without parameters
Sat Sep 14 14:21:41 2019 [47481][1][WARN] Undefined index: server_unique_key
Sat Sep 14 14:21:41 2019 [47481][1][DEBUG] Hook called: ::after_ui_footer
Sat Sep 14 14:21:41 2019 [47481][1][DEBUG] Creating new instance of hook class AssignGroups without parameters
Sat Sep 14 14:21:41 2019 [47481][1][DEBUG] Hook called: ::server_round_trip
Sat Sep 14 14:21:41 2019 [47481][1][DEBUG] Calling MySQLi::disconnect()
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] current_language is: en_us
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheZend
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheAPC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheMemory
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Using cache backend SugarCacheMemory, since 999 is less than 1000
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheWincache
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheFile
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheRedis
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheMemcache
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCachesMash
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheMemcached
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][INFO] Found language file: en_us.lang.php
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT id, name, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00023007392883301
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT category, name, value FROM config
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00020694732666016
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT id FROM outbound_email WHERE type = 'system'
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00015091896057129
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT * FROM outbound_email WHERE id = '9683307d-6d5d-dbbb-f5be-5d640e3f61dc'
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00022101402282715
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: ::after_entry_point
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Including module specific hook file for custom/modules
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Including Ext hook file for custom/application
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: ::after_session_start
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Unable to find SugarController:: get
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] We have an authenticated user id: 1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: Users::before_retrieve
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Including module specific hook file for custom/modules/Users
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Retrieve User : SELECT users.* FROM users  WHERE = '1' AND users.deleted=0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT users.* FROM users  WHERE = '1' AND users.deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT users.* FROM users  WHERE = '1' AND users.deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00031900405883789
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] get_user_array query: SELECT id, first_name, last_name, user_name FROM users WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY first_name, last_name ASC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][INFO] Query:SELECT id, first_name, last_name, user_name FROM users WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY first_name, last_name ASC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00023794174194336
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][INFO] Query:SELECT u1.first_name, u1.last_name from users  u1, users  u2 where = u2.reports_to_id AND = '1' and u1.deleted=0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00018811225891113
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] SugarBean[User].load_relationships, Loading relationship (reports_to_link).
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][INFO] Query:SELECT 
                FROM email_addresses ea LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON = ear.email_address_id
                    ear.bean_module = 'Users'
                    AND ear.bean_id = '1'
                    AND ear.deleted = 0
                ORDER BY ear.reply_to_address, ear.primary_address DESC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00033211708068848
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] Hook called: Users::after_retrieve
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: -------------------------------------------------------------
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: --------------------- CHECK FACTOR AUtH ---------------------
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: -------------------------------------------------------------
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: User needs factor auth, request is not Logout
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: User does`nt need factor auth
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] Current user is: admin
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] Current user is: admin
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] setting cookie ck_login_id_20 to 1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] setting cookie ck_login_language_20 to en_us
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] current_language is: en_us
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][INFO] Found language file: en_us.lang.php
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] Performing action: action_get MODULE: Alerts
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] get_full_list:  order_by = 'alerts.date_entered' and where = 'alerts.assigned_user_id = '1' AND is_read != '1''
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] SugarBean[Alert].load_relationships, Loading relationship (modified_user_link).
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] SugarBean[Alert].load_relationships, Loading relationship (created_by_link).
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] SugarBean[Alert].load_relationships, Loading relationship (assigned_user_link).
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] process_order_by: (alerts.date_entered) does not have a vardef entry.
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] process_full_list_query: query is  SELECT  alerts.*  , jt0.user_name modified_by_name , jt0.created_by modified_by_name_owner  , 'Users' modified_by_name_mod , jt1.user_name created_by_name , jt1.created_by created_by_name_owner  , 'Users' created_by_name_mod , jt2.user_name assigned_user_name , jt2.created_by assigned_user_name_owner  , 'Users' assigned_user_name_mod FROM alerts   LEFT JOIN  users jt0 ON AND jt0.deleted=0

 AND jt0.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0

 AND jt1.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt2 ON AND jt2.deleted=0

 AND jt2.deleted=0 where (alerts.assigned_user_id = '1' AND is_read != '1') AND alerts.deleted=0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][INFO] Query: SELECT  alerts.*  , jt0.user_name modified_by_name , jt0.created_by modified_by_name_owner  , 'Users' modified_by_name_mod , jt1.user_name created_by_name , jt1.created_by created_by_name_owner  , 'Users' created_by_name_mod , jt2.user_name assigned_user_name , jt2.created_by assigned_user_name_owner  , 'Users' assigned_user_name_mod FROM alerts   LEFT JOIN  users jt0 ON AND jt0.deleted=0

 AND jt0.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0

 AND jt1.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt2 ON AND jt2.deleted=0

 AND jt2.deleted=0 where (alerts.assigned_user_id = '1' AND is_read != '1') AND alerts.deleted=0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00035595893859863
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] process_full_list_query: result is mysqli_result Object
    [current_field] => 0
    [field_count] => 23
    [lengths] => 
    [num_rows] => 0
    [type] => 0

Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEPRECATED] Array

Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] Hook called: ::server_round_trip
Sat Sep 14 14:21:43 2019 [47503][1][DEBUG] Calling MySQLi::disconnect()
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] current_language is: en_us
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheZend
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheAPC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheMemory
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Using cache backend SugarCacheMemory, since 999 is less than 1000
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheWincache
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheFile
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheRedis
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheMemcache
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCachesMash
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheMemcached
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][INFO] Found language file: en_us.lang.php
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT id, name, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00037598609924316
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT category, name, value FROM config
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00032997131347656
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT id FROM outbound_email WHERE type = 'system'
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00014686584472656
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT * FROM outbound_email WHERE id = '9683307d-6d5d-dbbb-f5be-5d640e3f61dc'
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00019598007202148
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: ::after_entry_point
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Including module specific hook file for custom/modules
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Including Ext hook file for custom/application
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: ::after_session_start
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Unable to find SugarController:: get
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] We have an authenticated user id: 1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: Users::before_retrieve
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Including module specific hook file for custom/modules/Users
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Retrieve User : SELECT users.* FROM users  WHERE = '1' AND users.deleted=0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT users.* FROM users  WHERE = '1' AND users.deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT users.* FROM users  WHERE = '1' AND users.deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00030708312988281
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] get_user_array query: SELECT id, first_name, last_name, user_name FROM users WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY first_name, last_name ASC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][INFO] Query:SELECT id, first_name, last_name, user_name FROM users WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY first_name, last_name ASC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00026488304138184
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][INFO] Query:SELECT u1.first_name, u1.last_name from users  u1, users  u2 where = u2.reports_to_id AND = '1' and u1.deleted=0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00021791458129883
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] SugarBean[User].load_relationships, Loading relationship (reports_to_link).
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][INFO] Query:SELECT 
                FROM email_addresses ea LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON = ear.email_address_id
                    ear.bean_module = 'Users'
                    AND ear.bean_id = '1'
                    AND ear.deleted = 0
                ORDER BY ear.reply_to_address, ear.primary_address DESC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00037121772766113
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] Hook called: Users::after_retrieve
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: -------------------------------------------------------------
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: --------------------- CHECK FACTOR AUtH ---------------------
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: -------------------------------------------------------------
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: User needs factor auth, request is not Logout
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: User does`nt need factor auth
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] Current user is: admin
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] Current user is: admin
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] setting cookie ck_login_id_20 to 1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] setting cookie ck_login_language_20 to en_us
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] current_language is: en_us
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][INFO] Found language file: en_us.lang.php
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] Performing action: action_get MODULE: Alerts
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] get_full_list:  order_by = 'alerts.date_entered' and where = 'alerts.assigned_user_id = '1' AND is_read != '1''
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] SugarBean[Alert].load_relationships, Loading relationship (modified_user_link).
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] SugarBean[Alert].load_relationships, Loading relationship (created_by_link).
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] SugarBean[Alert].load_relationships, Loading relationship (assigned_user_link).
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] process_order_by: (alerts.date_entered) does not have a vardef entry.
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] process_full_list_query: query is  SELECT  alerts.*  , jt0.user_name modified_by_name , jt0.created_by modified_by_name_owner  , 'Users' modified_by_name_mod , jt1.user_name created_by_name , jt1.created_by created_by_name_owner  , 'Users' created_by_name_mod , jt2.user_name assigned_user_name , jt2.created_by assigned_user_name_owner  , 'Users' assigned_user_name_mod FROM alerts   LEFT JOIN  users jt0 ON AND jt0.deleted=0

 AND jt0.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0

 AND jt1.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt2 ON AND jt2.deleted=0

 AND jt2.deleted=0 where (alerts.assigned_user_id = '1' AND is_read != '1') AND alerts.deleted=0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][INFO] Query: SELECT  alerts.*  , jt0.user_name modified_by_name , jt0.created_by modified_by_name_owner  , 'Users' modified_by_name_mod , jt1.user_name created_by_name , jt1.created_by created_by_name_owner  , 'Users' created_by_name_mod , jt2.user_name assigned_user_name , jt2.created_by assigned_user_name_owner  , 'Users' assigned_user_name_mod FROM alerts   LEFT JOIN  users jt0 ON AND jt0.deleted=0

 AND jt0.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt1 ON AND jt1.deleted=0

 AND jt1.deleted=0  LEFT JOIN  users jt2 ON AND jt2.deleted=0

 AND jt2.deleted=0 where (alerts.assigned_user_id = '1' AND is_read != '1') AND alerts.deleted=0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00035595893859863
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] process_full_list_query: result is mysqli_result Object
    [current_field] => 0
    [field_count] => 23
    [lengths] => 
    [num_rows] => 0
    [type] => 0

Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEPRECATED] Array

Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] Hook called: ::server_round_trip
Sat Sep 14 14:21:44 2019 [47513][1][DEBUG] Calling MySQLi::disconnect()
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] current_language is: en_us
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheZend
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheAPC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheMemory
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Using cache backend SugarCacheMemory, since 999 is less than 1000
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheWincache
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheFile
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheRedis
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheMemcache
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCachesMash
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheMemcached
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][INFO] Found language file: en_us.lang.php
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT id, name, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00027012825012207
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT category, name, value FROM config
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00024008750915527
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT id FROM outbound_email WHERE type = 'system'
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00013113021850586
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT * FROM outbound_email WHERE id = '9683307d-6d5d-dbbb-f5be-5d640e3f61dc'
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00020194053649902
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: ::after_entry_point
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Including module specific hook file for custom/modules
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Including Ext hook file for custom/application
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: ::after_session_start
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Unable to find SugarController:: index
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] We have an authenticated user id: 1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: Users::before_retrieve
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Including module specific hook file for custom/modules/Users
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Retrieve User : SELECT users.* FROM users  WHERE = '1' AND users.deleted=0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT users.* FROM users  WHERE = '1' AND users.deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT users.* FROM users  WHERE = '1' AND users.deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00030899047851562
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] get_user_array query: SELECT id, first_name, last_name, user_name FROM users WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY first_name, last_name ASC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][INFO] Query:SELECT id, first_name, last_name, user_name FROM users WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY first_name, last_name ASC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00021576881408691
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][INFO] Query:SELECT u1.first_name, u1.last_name from users  u1, users  u2 where = u2.reports_to_id AND = '1' and u1.deleted=0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00015592575073242
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] SugarBean[User].load_relationships, Loading relationship (reports_to_link).
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][INFO] Query:SELECT 
                FROM email_addresses ea LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON = ear.email_address_id
                    ear.bean_module = 'Users'
                    AND ear.bean_id = '1'
                    AND ear.deleted = 0
                ORDER BY ear.reply_to_address, ear.primary_address DESC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00035500526428223
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] Hook called: Users::after_retrieve
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: -------------------------------------------------------------
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: --------------------- CHECK FACTOR AUtH ---------------------
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: -------------------------------------------------------------
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: User needs factor auth, request is not Logout
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: User does`nt need factor auth
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] Current user is: admin
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] Current user is: admin
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] setting cookie ck_login_id_20 to 1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] setting cookie ck_login_language_20 to en_us
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] current_language is: en_us
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][INFO] Found language file: en_us.lang.php
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][WARN] Saving error level. Try to remove the error_reporting() function from your code.
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] Hook called: ::server_round_trip
Sat Sep 14 14:21:46 2019 [47524][1][DEBUG] Calling MySQLi::disconnect()
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] current_language is: en_us
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheZend
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheAPC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheMemory
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Using cache backend SugarCacheMemory, since 999 is less than 1000
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheWincache
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheFile
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheRedis
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheMemcache
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCachesMash
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Found cache backend SugarCacheMemcached
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][INFO] Found language file: en_us.lang.php
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT id, name, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00028181076049805
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT category, name, value FROM config
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00024795532226562
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT id FROM outbound_email WHERE type = 'system'
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00020790100097656
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT * FROM outbound_email WHERE id = '9683307d-6d5d-dbbb-f5be-5d640e3f61dc'
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00025105476379395
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: ::after_entry_point
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Including module specific hook file for custom/modules
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Including Ext hook file for custom/application
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: ::after_session_start
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Unable to find SugarController:: LogView
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] We have an authenticated user id: 1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: Users::before_retrieve
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Including module specific hook file for custom/modules/Users
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Retrieve User : SELECT users.* FROM users  WHERE = '1' AND users.deleted=0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT users.* FROM users  WHERE = '1' AND users.deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][INFO] Query:SELECT users.* FROM users  WHERE = '1' AND users.deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][-none-][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00032901763916016
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] get_user_array query: SELECT id, first_name, last_name, user_name FROM users WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY first_name, last_name ASC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][INFO] Query:SELECT id, first_name, last_name, user_name FROM users WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY first_name, last_name ASC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00016999244689941
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][INFO] Query:SELECT u1.first_name, u1.last_name from users  u1, users  u2 where = u2.reports_to_id AND = '1' and u1.deleted=0
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00014805793762207
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] SugarBean[User].load_relationships, Loading relationship (reports_to_link).
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][INFO] Query:SELECT 
                FROM email_addresses ea LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON = ear.email_address_id
                    ear.bean_module = 'Users'
                    AND ear.bean_id = '1'
                    AND ear.deleted = 0
                ORDER BY ear.reply_to_address, ear.primary_address DESC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00034403800964355
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] Hook called: Users::after_retrieve
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: -------------------------------------------------------------
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: --------------------- CHECK FACTOR AUtH ---------------------
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: -------------------------------------------------------------
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: User needs factor auth, request is not Logout
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] FACTOR AUTH: User does`nt need factor auth
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] Current user is: admin
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] Current user is: admin
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] setting cookie ck_login_id_20 to 1
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] setting cookie ck_login_language_20 to en_us
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] current_language is: en_us
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][INFO] Found language file: en_us.lang.php
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] Module:Configurator using file: LogView
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEPRECATED] Array

Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][WARN] CSS File Dawn/yui.css not found
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][INFO] Query:SELECT parent_id, parent_type FROM favorites WHERE assigned_user_id = '1' AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY date_entered DESC
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.00020289421081543
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT item_id, item_summary, module_name, id FROM tracker WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) as id FROM tracker WHERE user_id = '1' AND deleted = 0 AND visible = 1) Start: 0 count: 50
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][INFO] Query:SELECT item_id, item_summary, module_name, id FROM tracker WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) as id FROM tracker WHERE user_id = '1' AND deleted = 0 AND visible = 1) LIMIT 0,50
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][INFO] Query Execution Time:0.0003049373626709
Sat Sep 14 14:21:50 2019 [47574][1][INFO] Tracker: retrieving 10 items

in the error_log I have just this line
[14-Sep-2019 14:03:14 UTC] PHP Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /storage/account/public_html/suite/modules/Currencies/Currency.php on line 100

Any idea what could be the problem?

What is your SuiteCRM version?

If you go in Admin / Diagnostics / phpinfo, does it say there that the PHP version is 7.2?

Do you have “display_errors = off” in your php.ini? Please put it there, if it’s not there yet.

PHP Version 7.2.22

I have added a file php.ini with display_errors = off, but it didn’t work.

But id didn’t matter as in the PHP info I can see that it is already off

display_errors Off
display_startup_errors Off

Any other ideas?

Sorry, i don’t know, this seems like something peculiar to your installation. If you could try this with a standard htaccess file that would be better.

You can test the PDFs on the live demo to confirm if the problem is only in your installation: (user:will, pass: will)

In my case I had to enable the mbstring extension in php.ini which was commented out by default. I found this by enabling the php error log (also in the php.ini) which resulted in the following notification:

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_regex_encoding() in …\SuiteCRM\modules\AOS_PDF_Templates\PDF_Lib\mpdf.php:1234

Searching the web for “mb_regex_encoding() undefined” lead me to (of course) a stackoverflow entry that helped me solve the problem:

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