My instance is Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
PHP Version 8.2.15
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.42
I have followed this old 2019 post but the solution there doesn’t worked for me.
I can’t use any pdf printing method without getting the 500 error.
My main issue is that even with the php.ini error enabled, and SuiteCRM logs in debug mode, I couldn’t see what it is causing that error which could be a front-end error, I don’t know. I have tested both local and online environment.
Like I said, none of my logs reflect the occurrence of any related with that process. I double checked all my php logs (I only have one host) and the SuiteCRM log as well.
Turn on display errors in your php settings. I find if the error is not in your PHP log and not in the SuiteCRM sometimes, you’ll get the error displayed on the screen.
So far I have commented code in order to discover the problem in the file entrypoints/generatedPdfQuotes.php and is seems that the problem is caused by the modules/AOS_PDF_Templates/PDF_Lib/mpdf.php but nothing else.
It is quite strange for a 500 error not to have errors in the PHP log. But when it happens, then it’s typically a web server crash - there might be something in the system logs.
I believe mPDF is deprecated since 7.13, if I am not mistaken. It shouldn’t be trying to call mPDF…
It seems that my instance has the same background as the user who posted that “solution”. Mi instance has many updates. The user said that was able fix it but sadly doesn’t said how. Maybe the reason of my problem printing pdf is the same, since mpdf is the library that is casing the error but in the settings I have selected TCPDF as the only and default library. So how can I disable that old one to be called?
I had a breakthrough. It seems that previous versions had customization. I deleted that custom entry point and now the error is gone but now my templates are not detected, I enabled format selection but my templates are not showing up there. I have 4 Quote templates with type “Quotes” selected. Any ideas why my templates are not showing there?